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4 months later...

Hanna's POV.

I woke up to find an arm wrapped around my waist.  I turned a little to see Caleb snoring lightly with his mouth slightly open.  He was laying on the side of his head with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  His legs were tangled in mine and his hand was  wrapped around my smaller hand. 

I smiled at how cute her looked when he slept.  I gently and quickly kissed the tip of his nose.  He stirred a little before he went back to snoring.  I turned around and gently released his hand from mine.  When I did that, his grip on my waist seem to tighten.  I attempted to pull his arm off of me but ended up with Caleb pulling me even closer to his chest.  I groaned and tried again but failed.  I leaned in and pecked his lips,trying to wake him up but, once again, failing. 

"Caleb.  Caleb, wake up."  I said as I tapped his chest.

He groaned and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Caleb, let go of me.  I have to get ready."  Lightly laughing, I pushed his chest a little.

"Why do you have to get ready for?  You don't have work, do you?"  He asked raising his head a little and opening one eye.

"No, I don't.  But Emily is coming over with lunch and then we're going to go shopping with the other girls."  I replied, still struggling to get out of his strop grip.

He groaned and just nuzzled his head back into my neck, lightly kissing it.

"Just lay down with me for five more minutes."  Caleb mumbled into my neck.  

"But, I have to get ready before Emily gets here."  I said trying to convince him.

"Please?"  He begged, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.  I tilted my head a little so Caleb could have more access to my neck.  He started to gently bite down at my soft spot and then started to suck lightly then roughly.  A moan escaped my mouth followed by Caleb smirking on my skin.

"So, will you stay and cuddle with me for just five more minutes?"  Caleb's hot breath whispered into my ear.  I nodded and Caleb kissed his mark he had left above my right collarbone.  I laid my head back on the pillow and Caleb pulled me on top of him.  

I put both of my legs on both sides of his body, with my head and chest laying on his chest.  He traced small shapes on my back as I listened to his heartbeat. 

"I'm so happy."  Caleb suddenly said.  I looked at him confused.

"I'm glad that your happy but that was so random."  I said, laughing a little.

"Well, I was just thinking about us and how we found each other again.  I was thinking about when we first met, our first date, our first break up, to when we officially broke up, to when we started talking again, and till now.  Having you laid in my arms right now, it just makes me so happy to know that you're right here in my arms and in no one else's."  Caleb smiled as he said that.

I smiled and kissed his chin. 

"Yeah, me too.  I'm happy that I'm the one in your arms and that I'm the one that's kissing you .  I'm happy that you're the one I'm waking up to.  I'm so lucky.  So lucky to have you in my arms and so lucky to be able to call you mine.  I'm just so happy that you're in my life.  I guess that I'm just happy with where my life is at right now."  I said with a huge smile on my face.  Caleb was smiling widely too.

"Well, I'm so happy that you're happy.  But if anyone is lucky, it's me.  I mean, you could have any guy you want but yet you still chose me.  You're wrapped in my arms and that wont ever change again.  I could barely make it through the day when we broke up because you weren't in my arms.  I didn't know where you were or how you were doing and it broke me, physically and mentally.  But now look, I'm here with the one person I would do anything for."  Caleb said  with his cheeks turning a little pink.  I giggled and kissed him on the lips.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.  But just so you know, the feelings are mutual."  I said back, pecking his lips.

"I'm glad.  Maybe one day, we'll be like Ezra and Aria.  Engaged and happy to get married to each other.  Then, hopefully, we'll be like Alison and Lorenzo, pregnant and in love."  He said with this look in his eyes.  His eyes sparkled even more with a big smile on his face.

"One day.  I mean, we've only been dating for four months and I feel like I can see us together in the future with a big wedding and kids."  I said.

"With a big house that fits all six of us perfectly."  Caleb said.  I looked at him with a confused expression.

"The six of us?"  I ask.  Caleb nods and starts to explain.

"Us two with our two kids and two dogs to keep us company and to keep us safe.  Also for the kids to talk to."  Caleb explained.  I grinned at the thought.

"Yeah,and the kids can tell the dogs their problems, just like I did with my old dog, Lucy.  When I was ten, I had a German shepered and her name was Lucy.  I would always tell Lucy stories or about my day or complaints and she would always comfort me and listen.  She was awesome."  I said, smiling at the memory.

"I never knew that you had a dog. "  Caleb said, I nodded to confirm.

"See?  I can't wait.  But as excited as I am, I want to live for right now.  Which means, to have you wrapped in my arms and safe and sound."  Caleb said. 

I nodded in agreement and kisses his lips again with even more passion.  

"All I know is that I'm happy and you're happy."  I said with a smile on my face.


Authors Note:

Hi. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been super busy lately!  But I'm back and hopefully I will keep on track with updating.  

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Happy Reading!

- Kailee Xoxo

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