One Step Closer.

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Caleb's POV.

Warning: This chapter uses strong language and somewhat graphic sentences.

48 hours before Hanna escaped....

It's been five fucking days. Five, extremely long, fucking days since Hanna has been gone.

After Spencer hung up on me, she called me back an hour later and explained what she did. She told Toby what was going on and Toby, with all of his connections with the law, he reported her to be missing. Detectives came to Hanna's apartment two days later and searched the whole thing. They took in the piece of tape and the rope for evidence but they still are not sure who kidnapped her. Apparently, they found finger prints on the front door handle and they took the rope and tape in to try to find any finger prints. They used some type of machine to figure out who the finger prints belong to from the door handle, but, from so much other peoples finger prints on them, the machine couldn't correctly figure it out, so that was a bust. They haven't gotten back to me about the finger prints on the rope and piece of tape. Of course, I told them that I thought Kyle had something to do with it, but I didn't have any actual proof.

So, right now I am just laying on Hanna's bed in her apartment, starring at the white ceiling.

I miss her. I miss her smile and her laugh. I miss her corny jokes that she always told me when she was extremely tired. I miss the way her eyes would squint when she was laughing. I miss her eyes. I miss her.

Ring, ring, ring.

"Hello?" I ask, dully, answering my phone.

"Hey, Caleb. I have some good news for you!" Chirped Toby from the other line.

"Good news? Did you guys find Hanna?" I ask, getting excited as I sit up on her bed.

"Well, no. We didn't find her. But we are one step closer to finding her!" Toby exclaims to me.

Just hearing that we are closer to finding my girl, makes me go ballistic.

"Really? What's going on?! Do they know where she is?" I ask, getting out of bed and putting on dark red basket ball shorts.

"No, but we may have figured out who kidnapped her. Can you come down to the station?" Toby asks me as I put the phone on speaker and lay it down on the dresser, putting on a grey t-shirt that was laying on the floor.

"On my way. I'll be there in ten minutes." I reply back to Toby and hang up on him when he was replying back to me.

I grab my phone from the dresser and get my keys that was on the nightstand. I open the front door and lock and close it before practically running through the hallway and to the door that leads to the parking garage. When I get to my car and unlock it, I get in, close the door, and start my engine. I swiftly speed out of the parking garage and onto the busy roads of San Francisco.

After, about, 20 minutes of honking horns and me being impatient as I wait for all of the traffic to die down, I finally make it to the station where Toby works at. I quickly park and basically run to the front door before opening the door and walking to the front desk.

"Hello sir. What can I do for you?" A lady, wearing a police suit, asks me with a kind looking smile.

"Yeah, hi. I'm here to see Toby C-" I start to say but is cut off from an arm swinging over my shoulders.

"He's with me. Thanks Bailey." Toby says to the police woman, who just asked to help me out.

"Alright Toby. Don't get into any trouble now." The woman who's name is, supposedly, Bailey tells Toby with a knowing smile.

"Never." Toby replies back to her before smiling at her and walking away with his arm still slung over my shoulder.

"Alright, we are 99.9% positive that we know who kidnapped Hanna." Toby tells me, leading me into a room that has a white board with notes and pictures on it.

"Okay, so, who did it?" I ask, looking at Toby and then at the white board.

"Him. Kyle Lambor. We checked the rope and the piece of tape for any finger prints and the name that kept popping up is his. Not to mention that the finger prints also matched the tiny piece of finger prints that we got from the door handle." Toby informs me.

This makes me happy, yet so furious that this fucking asshole took my girl away from me. But I'm happy that I know who took the love of my life away from me. It all just means that I am a step closer to finding Hanna. And when I do find her, I'll hold her in my arms and never let her go.

"That fucking idiot. I knew he did this! I knew that this fucking pig shit took my girl!" I yell at Toby, not directly towards him, but towards the shit head that kidnapped Hanna. I pointed to a picture that had Kyle on it at a grocery store.

"I know you knew. But you weren't positive and you had no proof or evidence. So, don't blame yourself." Toby attempted to calm me down, but that didn't work exactly how he wanted it to.

"I swear, when I get my hand on him, I'll fucking kill him. I'll slice his throat open and make him suffer." I growl at the picture of him.

"Caleb, calm down. I'm su-" Toby tries to calm me down, but is cut off by me speaking.

"Better yet, I'm going to lock him up and make him watch me make him suffer. I'll cut his fucking dick off. Then, I'll ma-" I start to say, but, of course, Toby has to interrupt my dreams.

"Caleb! Calm down!" Toby yells at me, but this time, it caught my attention and I turned away from the board and looked at him.

"Now, listen to me. You're not going to make anyone suffer and you, most definitely, will not kill anyone. You understand?" Toby tells me with a harsh and serious tone.

I nod my head a little to confirm that I understand.

"Good, now you're going to let the police handle this and you will not get in between them and Kyle. Got it?" Toby tells me in, again, a harsh and serious tone.

I nod my head and with that, I walk out of that room and out of the building.

Fuck what Toby just told me. I am not going to just sit and wait until Hanna comes home. I am going to go and look for her. And when I find her, Kyle is going to have blood streaming from his head to his feet.


Authors Note:


So, this chapter and the next chapter will just be what Caleb did while Hanna is still missing. So, it will just pretty much be two fillers,sorry. By the way, I am so deeply sorry that this chapter was so short. I was so busy this week and everything I had to do made me tired. Please, forgive me.

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