I'm Not Leaving.

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Caleb Pov.

"I got back together with you"  Hanna whispered.

At those words, I froze.  I could feel all color drain from my face.

She looked at me and tears started to form in her eyes, threatening to spill.

"W-why would y-you say that?"  I stuttered, tears brimming at the edge of my eyes.

"I'm so selfish.  I can't believe I got back together with you!"  Yelled Hanna.  Tears started to run down her cheeks.  She wiped her cheeks fiercely.

We both sat quietly, wiping the endless tears falling from our eyes.  

"Why?"  I whisper once we both calm down.

"What?"  Hanna asks, confused but still mad.

"Why do you regret getting back together with me?"  I snap at her.

"Because Caleb!"  Hanna yells at me, giving me no explanation.

"Because what Hanna?!  Why can't you just give me an explanation?!"  I yelled back at her.  Hanna flinched at my outburst.

"Stop yelling at me!"  Hanna yelled back at me.

"Stop yelling at you?!  Well maybe, if you would just answer my freakin question about why you regret getting back together with me then I will gladly stop!"  By this point, I was standing on my feet, me looking down at her and pointing my finger at her.

"Because  Caleb!  Why can't you just accept the fact that I can't be with you?"  Hanna yelled, again, at me and she also stood up and poking her finger at my chest.

"And why can't you be with me?"  I asked with a hard stare.

"Because I'm still me."  Hanna whispered.

Then, she just broke down crying.  It looked like her legs gave up on her and she was soon on the ground, crying her eyes out with both of her hands on her face, trying to stop the tears that were continuously flowing down her slightly pink cheeks.

I thought about what she said for a second and then I crouched down next to her, rubbing her back.

After she calmed down and was sniffling, I decided to break the silence.

"And why would you being you be a problem to our relationship?"  I ask softly, still very confused.

"Because of what happened last time.  I totally freaked out on you and we got into this huge fight because I was being a total bitch."  Hanna said.

"See, that's where your wrong.  You weren't a total bitch, you just been going through stuff that most normal teenagers wouldn't go through."  I explained to her truthfully.

I mean sure, she was very rude and very angry and sad but she had a good reason to be.  A person that has been chasing her down for years finally came to the truth.

"The past is in the past."  I told her after a few seconds of silence.

"But what about me Caleb?  I mean, a person doesn't just change.  What if I still am the same person?"  Hanna questions with pain in her eyes.

"Who said you had to change?  I sure as hell don't want you to change.  So, if your the same person then awesome.  I get a feisty, beautiful girl who loves fashion and has her bad days.  If you're not the same person then great.  I get to meet and know this new person that I will end up falling for just like the old you."  I said, starring into her eyes and sending her a small smile.

What I said is true.  Whoever Hanna is, she's mine and I will end up falling for her all over again.

"But what if you don't like the new me?"  Hanna questions.

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