I Love You, that's why.

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Hanna's POV.

I was currently laying in bed next to Caleb, thinking about what I should do.

What should I do? Should I hang out with Kyle and cancel on mine and Caleb's day out or should I go with Caleb to the mall and hang out with him? I'm not sure because Kyle said he needs to talk to me about something important but I don't want to cancel on Caleb again. What should I do?

I moved so that I was now laying on my back. Caleb stirred a little on his side of the bed but he didn't wake up.

"What should I do?" I whispered to myself.

I want to go with Caleb to the mall but I also want to hang out with Kyle. I guess I should go and talk to Kyle because he said its important. But what about Caleb? I don't want to upset him again and I really do want to hang out with him but Kyle.

I sighed and just decided to get up and get ready.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, without waking up Caleb. I shook my head at the still sleeping boy that laid in front of me and giggled.

I walked into my bathroom and closed and locked the door, beginning to take off my clothes. When all of my clothes were discarded, I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth while I waited for the water to heat up.

After I was done brushing my teeth, I stepped into the shower and underneath the burning hot water, sighing in satisfaction.

What should I do?

I distract myself by washing my hair with my new strawberry shampoo. I massage my head and just relax.

After I was done washing and massaging my head, I put conditioner in and let it sit in my hair for a while as I was scrubbing my body with my vanilla body wash. My whole shower was filled with thoughts and questions about what I should do. It may not seem like a big deal to you but to me it is.

When I was done washing out my hair and body free from soap and conditioner, I turned the shower off and got out, stepping on my pink floor towel. I grabbed my matching pink towel from the towel rack and wiped my body, soaking all of the water. I wrapped my towel around my hair and exited the bathroom nude.

I went straight to my dresser and got out my matching blue set of undies and a bra. When I was done, I entered my closet and started to look for an outfit to wear today. I picked out a black v-neck shirt and a pair of dark blue ripped jeans with a pair of black wedges. My accessories included an infinite necklace and my black Givenchy purse. When I was done getting dressed, I exited my closet and went straight to my vanity, taking off my towel from my head on my way there. I sat down at my vanity and brushed out my hair, letting it air dry. While I waited for my hair to dry, I decided to do my makeup. I only added mascara and eyeliner this time. Instead of wearing chapstick, I decided to wear a dark red lipstick and I put on lip gloss to make my lips glossy.  By the time I was done with my makeup, my hair was dry so I brushed it again. I was done getting ready and I had made up my mind. I got up from the seat and grabbed my purse, walking out of the room.

"Hanna?" Caleb said groggily from the sleep.

I entered the room again and Caleb was getting up and out of the bed.

"Yeah?" I asked, nervous.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Caleb asked, smiling at me and coming towards me.

"Um I don't know." I replied.

"Well, I'm going to get ready and then we can head to the mall alright?" Caleb told me before he kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Um actually, I'm not going to the mall." I said, even more nervous.

"What do you mean? Did plan for us to go somewhere else?" Caleb asked, clearly confused.

"Actually, I'm going to go meet with Kyle." I said, looking at his covered chest and playing with his shirt.

"What?" Caleb said angrily as he let go of me and backed up.

"I'm sorry but Kyle said he has to talk to me about something important. Look, I know that we made plans already but Kyle seemed really nervous and scarred." I said to Caleb, an apologetic look in my eyes.

"Yeah, we did make plans. A week ago! I thought we settled this?! You told me that you wouldn't cancel our plans just so that you can go and hang out with Kyle! Is he more important than me?!" Caleb yelled at me, anger clear in his voice.

"Of course he's not more important than you! No one is more important than you!" I yelled, also getting angry at his outburst.

I mean, he shouldn't be mad at me. I know I told him that I would stop canceling our plans to go hang out with Kyle, but this is important. He shouldn't be mad at me. He should understand that my friend needs me.

"Then why are always picking him over me?!" Yelled Caleb, getting angrier by every second that passes.

"I'm not! This just seems really important okay! Why can't you just understand that!?" I yelled my thoughts.

"I do, I understand that a friend of yours is in need but that does not mean that you should pick your friend over your boyfriend every single time!" Caleb yells, pulling at his hair.

"Why do you get so jealous?! You know that I love you and only you!" I argue back at him.

"Because I love you Hanna, that's why! I'm scarred that Kyle is going to swoop you off your feet and your going to leave me for him! So, that's why I'm jealous! I'm old news Hanna. My fear is that you're going to fall in love with him! And that is the last thing I want. So, Hanna, do you still want to go and hang out with Kyle?" Caleb confesses.

I stood there frozen to the ground. I never knew that he felt that way. But I already mad up my mind and I wasn't planning on changing it.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly before rushing out of my room and out the apartment. I decided to go and meet Kyle and nothing was going to change my mind.


Authors Note:

Poor Caleb! :( How do you guys feel about Hanna ditching Caleb?

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Happy Reading!


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