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Caleb's Pov.

As I park my car, I turn my radio down so that it won't scare me next time I turn it on. I parked my car and got out, locking it as I walk towards the entrance of the hospital.

I enter the hospital and look for any signs that will tell me where to go. I see a sign telling me the directions of where I need to go so I begin to follow it.

I enter the elevator when the doors open and I press the floor number. I patiently wait as the elevator takes me to the floor I need to be on. When the elevator takes me to floor I need to be on, I exit the elevator and follow the directions on the signs.

About a minute later, I find a hallway with rooms on the left side and a counter with nurses on the right. I walk further in and see Hanna sitting on a chair in, what seems to be, a sitting area.

I walk up to her and stand in front of her, seeing that she was very distracted by her phone.

I chuckle after a minute of just starring at her beauty.

Hanna looks up quickly once she hears me chuckle.

"Hey babe." Hanna says once she looks up from her phone but she soon looks back down at her phone.

"Hi beautiful." I reply back to her, sitting to the chair on her left.

"What are you doing?" I ask, peering over her shoulder and towards her phone, being the nosy person I am.

"Playing this stupid Candy Crush game. I can't pass this shitty level. Oh fuck! Whatever, I'm over this game anyways." Hanna says, huffing and putting her phone away once she ran out of lives.

"You're so cute." I reply to her annoyance before kissing her cheek quickly.

"I know." She says with a huge smile on her face. I laugh quietly and lean in to kiss her as she does the same.

Our lips meet and, as always, nuclear bombs go off in my heart and mind. Our lips move in sync together.

Hanna is the first to pull away and quickly pecks my lips before completely pulling away and just smiling at me.

"You seem really happy. Is it because Ali is having a baby?" I ask, amused with her facial expression and her gigantic grin on her face.

"Well, yes. But just the thought of a baby makes me so happy. Doesn't it make you really happy?" She asks me, with wide eyes.

"Yeah, of course. I love babies. Hell, I love kids. Ali and Lorenzo are going to be amazing parents." I answer her question. A look of something crosses through her features. It kinda looks like... relief?

"I totally agree. With everything you just said. I can't wait until we have our ow kids. Can't you?" She asks me with a skeptical look on her face.

"Yeah, definitely. After we get married, we can wait a year or two and then we can start trying." I suggest with a smile.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. But, let's pretend that we were having a baby right now. How would you react?" She asks me, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Well, I wouldn't be mad or sad about it. I think I would be excited, actually." I tell her.

"Okay good." She tells me before kissing my cheek.

"Why are you asking me all of th-" I start to say but get cut off from Hanna interrupting me.

"I'm pregnant!" Hanna exclaims.

At those words, my whole body freezes. My eyes widen and my mouth slightly opens. I can't seem to move anything.

After a minute or two of me being completely still, I begin to move my lips, trying to form words. But nothing seemed to be coming out of my mouth.

"Oh god, you're freaked out." Hanna says, her eyes widening and filling up with tears.

"No! I'm..... just.... shocked." I say, finally forming words.

"Oh, okay. That's good...right? Well, it's better than leaving me. You're not leaving me, right?" Hanna asks, suddenly becoming nervous.

"What? No! I would never. Especially after something like this. You're pregnant... you are pregnant... oh my god, you're pregnant! You're pregnant! I'm going to be a dad! You're going to be a mom! This is great. No, actually, it's amazing!" I say, suddenly getting really excited for this baby. A huge smile takes place of our scared facial expression.

"I know! I just found out like an hour ago! I'm so excited and I'm so happy that your happy! I was scared on how you were going to react." Hanna admits.

"I'm excited too!" I reply quickly before I grab her chin and pull her towards me. I put my lips on hers and we start to move them together. Our kiss deepens a bit, but not sexually. Our kiss deepens to a more passionate level.

A cough interrupts our kiss and we both pull away to find Lorenzo standing in front of us.

"Um, sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but Ali just got back into her room with the baby. So, if you guys want to see them, you guys can." Lorenzo says, pointing to Alison's new room.

We both nod our heads and stand up, following Lorenzo to Ali's room while Hanna and I intertwine our hands.

Lorenzo opens the door for us and we enter to find Ali sitting up on a bed and a baby in her arms.

"Hey guys. Come meet our baby girl, Amy Grace Calderon." Alison says, holding the baby out towards us.

Hanna takes Amy from Ali's arms and Hanna cradle the baby.

"Wow, she's so beautiful." I say, looking and adoring her face.

"She sure is." Hanna says, also looking at the baby in her arms.

"Thank you. She's perfect." Alison gushes. Lorenzo nods his head in agreement and kisses Ali on the lips.

As Hanna whispers to Amy about how cute she is and how she's going to be the best aunt, I stare at Hanna as she cradles the baby in her arms. Hanna looks so happy and so beautiful. I don't know what I would do without her. She's my love, my life, my everything. I love her so much and I can't wait until she is cradling our baby.

Authors Note:

Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Btw I'm so sorry that I didn't post last week. I honestly have no real excuse, so I'm so sorry about that! Next chapter will be the last chapter of this book. It's so sad that this book is coming to an end.

Btw thank you Sarah for suggesting the name Amy and Leah! I appreciate it lots!

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