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*Andy's POV*

I woke up with Riot still curled up against me, sleeping soundly. Her head was on my bare chest and one of her legs was on top of both of mine. My arm was still wrapped around her and I could feel her shivering slightly. It made sense since she didn't have any pants on. I reached behind me, trying not to wake her up, and grabbed the fuzzy blue Batman blanket and gently placed it over her.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, just thinking, and eventually checked my phone for the time.10:47 the bright screen showed me. Damn. I haven't been able to sleep this long in ages.

I stared at the ceiling again and heard Jake on the Xbox. Someone opened and shut the fridge and I heard voices talking about game strategy.

"No, there's a certain building over here that you have to go in," I heard a higher pitched voice say. Echo.

"Well where is it then?"

"I dunno. Somewhere over in that area."

I heard Jake sigh as he went on playing the game. I tried to drown them out by tracing the pattern on the ceiling with my eyes, and this time it worked. I looked at the swirling blues and reds mixed in with the black fabric above my head. I got bored and started humming a random tune to myself.

I felt Riot stir against my side and mutter somethings I couldn't understand. "Riot?" She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me. Her eyes were big and she had some left over eyeliner underneath them.

"Morning, Boo," she whispered to me with a yawn that made me smile. I pushed some hair behind her ear and watched her cheeks turn a bright red.

I laughed quietly. "You're so cute when you blush, babe," she blushed even more as I bent down to kiss her forehead. There was a lot of heat coming from her head. "You okay? You're burning up . . ."

"I feel fine," she said with a frown. She opened the curtains and rolled out of the bunk, leaving the Batman blanket behind. I watched as she walked towards the front of the bus where Echo and Jake were still playing Xbox. She stumbled a little bit by the fridge, but made her way over to sit next to Echo without actually falling.

I got out of the bunk and wrapped the fuzzy blanket around my shoulders like a cape. I walked to the fridge and got a water then sat next to Jake. He didn't seem to notice. I watched the screen, but wasn't paying attention to what he was playing. I was trying to hear what Echo and Riot were talking about. They were whispering and I could only make out a few words.

" . . . Car . . . Store . . . Yeah . . . List . . . Candy? . . . We need . . . I know . . ."

They kept at it for a while. I didn't want them to leave, but I guess they had to eventually . . .

*Ashley's POV*

I'm not getting out of this bunk. I'm not getting out of this bunk. I'm not getting out of this bunk.

"Hey, Andy, can you drop us off in the parking lot so we can go home?" I heard Riot ask. God, her voice was so sexy.

My head hurt so bad. What the hell even happened last night? The last thing I remember doing is running across the street to that bar. I doubt anyone would know what happened to me, so I wasn't going to ask. I was just going to stay in my bunk all day and wait for this hangover to go away.

"ECHO! ECHO! ECHO! ECHO! ECHOOOOOO!!!!!!" CC screamed as he ran past my bunk. He must have tackled her because she screamed in response.

I groaned and put my pillow over my head. I couldn't fall asleep again. I hadn't slept at all since Riot woke up the whole bus at four in the morning. It was her so I didn't care that I was up so fucking early. I did care that she was crying because of some nightmare that she obviously had before. She was so pale when she woke up. It scared me.

I could hear the muffled laughter and talking through the pillow over my face, and it made my head hurt even worse. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned my head, still keeping the pillow over my ear. I saw Jinxx standing outside my bunk. He had pulled the curtain back and was staring at me.

"Ash, you okay?" Jinxx aksed me. "You look like shit, man."

I frowned at him and sighed as Jake screamed at the TV. "Just tell them to shut the fuck up and I should be fine." Jinxx smiled and nodded before closing the curtain and walking away.

I heard him tell everyone to be quiet and they listened to him. It was so hard not to listen to Jinxx. I took the pillow off my head and within a few minutes, I was sleeping and dreaming about Riot.

*Riot's POV*

After Echo and I got dressed, Andy had Ernie drop us off in the empty parking lot from last night. Andy walked off the bus with me and we stood in the sun. I was starting to feel a little sick, so I knew I had to get home soon.

Echo and CC were standing by the back of the bus. They were kissing . . . again . . . He had her arms pinned to her sides as he kissed her over and over. I looked at Andy to distract myself from looking at them. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Are you sure you're okay to get home?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'll be fine. If I get light headed or sick, I'll just have Echo drive us the rest of the way. Will you call me later?"

"Of course I will. I'm going to miss you, Riot."

"I'm going to miss you too, Andy. It's only for a few more weeks though, so that's not too bad."

He nodded in agreement and smiled at me again. I stood still as he bent down and kissed my forehead. He trailed kisses down the bridge of my nose and stopped right before my lips. I knew he didn't want to get sick before the rest of the tour, and I didn't want him to get sick either.

He pulled me into a hug and my face got squished against his bare chest. I giggled and hugged him tightly. When I he let go I took a step back and coughed into my elbow. Andy frowned at me. "Call me if you need anything, okay? I'll answer no matter what."

I nodded and smiled at him again. "I will. I promise."

He kissed my forehead one last time before I got into my car. Echo had to push CC onto the bus and sprint to my car so we could leave, otherwise I'm sure they would have ended up in that back room again. We both waved as I started to drive us home. It was silent for about five minutes before Echo blew up with excitement and started talking so fast I could barely understand her.

"Oh my God, Riot, CC is amazing!!!!" She screamed. "Oh I can't wait to see him again." I giggled and she turned on the stereo.

I made it all the way to our tiny apartment an hour away. I parked the car in the small parking lot across the street. We walked over to the building and Echo was talking non-stop about CC and the concert. I rolled my eyes as we rode the elevator up to the third floor. We walked to the end of the hall where our apartment was and Echo opened the door. I set my bag with my shoes on the floor in the middle of the living room and Echo ran straight for the shower. I walked into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed, fully clothed.

That nightmare always wiped me out and I knew I'd probably sleep for the rest of the day.

I fell asleep within half an hour and dreamt of Andy with a smile on my face.

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