Lilies and Roses

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*Echo's POV*

"Ash, what the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean it's 'your fault'?"

He stared at the ground and sighed. "Echo, I . . . We kind of, um . . ." Another sigh and he whispered something quickly so that I couldn't understand.

This is ridiculous. I growled and stood up in front of him. Picking his face up with my hand I looked him in the eyes. "Alright, Purdy. If you ever plan on having children, I suggest you tell me what the fuck you did."

I heard him gulp and watched little puddles of tears form in his eyes. "That might have already happened." He took a deep breath. "RiotandIhadsex."

"Y-you what?"

"I-I'm sorry. We were both totally drunk and didn't realize what was going on and she just out of nowhere came up to me and kissed me and I just . . . I don't know, Echo!"

Before I realized it, I was pulling my hand back. In the next second, my fist made contact with his face. When I pulled back, I covered my mouth and I felt my eyes go wide. "Ohmygod I'm so sorry, Ashley! I didn't mean--"

"No, no. It's totally fine." He said while he rubbed his check. "I totally deserved that. Ow, jeez you've got an arm for someone so small."

"Yeah, you do deserve it, but . . . Why? Why would you do it? Andy is your best friend, Ash."

He sighed and stood up. "Echo, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone. Especially Andy. Yes, I totally regret this and yeah, you have the right to be mad at me and so does Riot. She should hate me. And I don't blame her. I just . . . I wish I had never . . ." He sighed again and looked at the ground.

"Ash . . . Did Riot really trip and fall? Or was she trying to protect you from me?"

He kept his eyes on the ground. "No, she actually did fall. She tried to run out of the room and she tripped over some blankets on the floor. Then she hit her head on the floor and her arm on her bed."

I nodded and sat down. "You better hope she's okay . . . Otherwise, you're dead meat."

*Andy's POV*

I felt someone poking my ribs and I groaned. My head was killing me and I totally forgot where I was. I didn't want to get up because wherever I was, I was extremely comfortable.

"Andy, dude. Wake up!" I heard CC yell as he smacked me over the head.

"Gah, Chuppy, what the fuck!?"

"Sorry, man. But you gotta get up so we can go to the hospital."

"What? Why?" I sat up. Oh, hey look. I slept on the kitchen table.

Jinxx walked over with a little piece of paper in his hand. "Echo left a note on your back. It says that she and Ash took Riot to the hospital."

What?! "Whoa wait. What happened?"

"Don't know," Jake said as he walked into the kitchen with his arm around a girl. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to take Ella home and I'll meet you there. Now hurry!"

I scrambled to get off of the table. Shit. What the hell happened? Was Riot okay? God damn . . .

*A few hours later at the hospital*

*Echo's POV*

"If you'll just follow me, she's right down the hall," the doctor said to us.

We all got up out of the little chairs and followed the doctor. Andy was first, then me and CC, then Jake and Jinxx. Ashley followed last behind all of us. We hadn't mentioned anything about what happened between them. I promised I wouldn't. I still wanted to punch Ash again though.

The doctors came into the little waiting room every half hour or so, giving us updates on Riot. After an hour of sitting with Ashley, the rest of the guys, minus Jake, showed up. Andy brought some flowers for Riot with him. Jake showed up another half hour later. Riot was stable by then, but she hadn't woken up yet. Now, after another three hours, she was awake, stable, and ready for visitors.

When we walked into the room, Riot was staring at the ceiling, obviously bored by whatever was on the television. "Riot?" Andy whispered as he hid the flowers behind his back. She looked at all of us with a huge smile.

"Hey, everyone," Riot choked out.

Andy smiled and took a seat on the far end of her bed. I sat on the uncomfortable bed right next to Riot since there was only one chair. CC stood by the side of the bed I was on and Jake and Jinxx were at the foot of the bed. I looked around to find Ashley leaning against the wall by the door with his arms crossed. He had his eyes closed and he was biting his lip.

"How you doin', babe?" Andy asked with a smirk. Riot giggled and grabbed his hand.

"I've got thirteen stitches in my arm and a slight concussion from hitting my head on the floor . . . Twice." She giggled again and took a little sip of water from the Styrofoam cup in her uninjured hand.

"Awe, you poor thing," I said.

She stuck her tongue out at me. "This is nothing compared to some of the things that happened when we were little!" We both laughed at this. "Remember when you fell into your mom's flower bed and cut your head open on that huge rock!?" Everyone except for Ashley laughed at this.

"Speaking of flowers . . ." Andy said as he lifted his hand from behind his back. The small bouquet was really pretty. And it fitted Riot's personality.

"A-are these . . . R-roses and lilies?" Riot asked as she took the bouquet from Andy. Oh no. I saw the tears welling in her eyes.

"Yeah . . . Is there something wrong? Don't you like them?"

No one in the room spoke a single word. I heard Riot sniffle and then she started crying silently. Andy looked horrified, not knowing what he did wrong. Jake, Jinxx and CC all looked at each other. Ashley finally looked up at us. He was looking directly at Riot.

"It has something to do with that nightmare . . . Doesn't it?" He asked quietly.

Riot looked up at him with her sad eyes and slowly nodded at him. She then looked at me. I nodded at her and sighed. "I think it's about time we told you about how we met . . . Me . . . Lilith . . . And Roslynn . . ." I said to the guys.


Riot's rose and lily bouquet is on the side. Keep reading!

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