Ultrasound and Yet ANOTHER Surprise

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*The following day*

*CC's POV*

"Come on, CC! The appointment is in twenty minutes and it's gonna take us fifteen to get there!" Echo was screaming at me as I lay face down on the  floor in her room. We seriously just got home from tour last night and she wants me to get up this early? Well, I guess it's my fault since I was the one who scheduled the appointment. I'm such a dumbass sometimes.

I stood up-too fast I might add- and started walking over the sleeping bodies in the living room. Jake and Ella were cuddled up on an inflatable mattress. Jinxx was on the floor by the couch and Ashley was on the couch. I spotted Echo in the kitchen trying to make a quick cup of coffee, but it wasn't working too well.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed out my hair and cleaned up my face a little. I tried to get ready as fast as possible, but I was still pretty slow. I changed into some black skinnies and a clean black shirt. As I grabbed my shoes off of the ground, Echo grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards the door.

"Put them on in the car! Let's go!" She dragged me out the door and we sprinted to the elevator then to the car. I drove to the small doctor's office and we walked inside hand-in-hand. I am extremely nervous here. What if there's something wrong with the baby? What if everything is fine, but I fuck it up? God damn it.

Echo signed us in and we sat down in the corner. I looked around at some of the other expecting parents there. All of the guys were holding onto their wives or girlfriends and everyone was smiling. No one seemed nervous at all. Guess it was just me. I'm just . . . Really afraid I'm going to be a horrible father.

"CC?" Echo was looking at me. "Are you okay?"

I smiled sweetly at her. "I'm fine babe. How about you?"

She shuddered a little and looked at the ground. "To be honest . . . I'm really nervous. What if there's something wrong with the baby?" I squeezed her hand gently.

"Echo, look at me." She did. "I promise you, we will get through this. Together. I will do everything in my power to make sure our child is properly taken care of." She smiled at me with tears in her eyes and I bent down and kissed her softly.

"Coma?" A small nurse walked into the room with a clipboard and a fake smile. Echo and I stood up and walked towards her. She gave me a funny look, but I shrugged it off. She directed us to a small white room. "Doctor Burns will be right with you," and she walked out.

Echo and I looked at each other in silence. I helped  her up on to the bed thing and held her hand. She was trying not to cry and I didn't know what I could do to comfort her. I kissed her forehead and rubbed my thumb across her wrist. It seemed to comfort her a little, but then we heard the doorknob turn. We both stared as it opened slowly and the doctor walked in with a smile.

Here we go.

*Back at the apartment*

*Ashley's POV*

Where am I? Wha-? Oh . . . I'm in Riot's apartment. Damn my head hurts. I sat up and ruffled my hair a little. At least I'm on the couch and not the floor like Jinxx here. I heard someone in the kitchen and stood up to see who it was.

Riot was standing in her robe in front of the coffee pot with a line of mugs on the counter. The pot was almost full and she leaned against the cupboards for support. She looked paler than usual. But her cheeks were flushed. She saw me and smiled with tired eyes.

"Good morning, Ashley. Want some coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks," I walked over to her and she poured a mug for me and one for herself. I put a little sugar in mine and she drank hers black. We both set our cups down after a few sips and stood there in silence. It was really awkward.

I watched her slowly pick up the mug and take a small sip. She flinched when the heat hit her tongue, probably burning it, but drank anyways. She lowered the cup from her lips and smiled at me a little. I smiled back, but something was wrong.

Her smile faded slowly and her fingers began to tremble. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the mug fell to the ground, coffee going everywhere, the glass shattering. Riot's lips went tight and her hands flew to her stomach. Before I could figure out what was happening, Riot was sprinting to the bathroom. I heard a small squeak come from her mouth before I heard heaving. I ran to the bathroom, only to see her face in the toilet bowl with not much coming out.

I quickly grabbed her hair with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. She was just dry heaving, but I know she wanted to get something up and couldn't. Poor thing. I want to help so bad, but I don't know what to do. I stood there for a while as she finished heaving and coughing up small amounts of blood.

She looked at me and whispered "Water." I nodded and ran to grab a glass for her. When I came back, she was curled up in a ball and I noticed blood on her feet. She must have stepped on the broken mug. I set the water down and sat next to her. I lifted her head into my lap and helped her drink a little bit at a time.

When she was finished, I grabbed a wadded up towel and set her head on it. I looked in the mirror cupboard for band-aids and thankfully found a bunch with tweezers, Neosporin, and a bunch of other medical supplies. I grabbed what I needed and sat by Riot's feet. I gently lifted one onto my knee and started cleaning it up and picking the small glass splinters out. She winced a lot, but was trying to focus on not getting sick again.

I finished the first foot and moved on to the second. I think she fell asleep,but she still twitched when I cleaned out the cuts. When I was done, I threw away the blod soaked gauze, cleaned up the floor, and put everything else away.

I picked her up and sat cross-legged on the floor with her on my lap. I slowly rocked her back and forth while smoothing out her messy hair. Her robe started to fall open, so I quickly put it back into place. I kept rocking her gently and I saw her mouth start to move.

Careful to keep my hair out of her face, I bent down to hear what she was saying. "Baby . . .Baby . . ." was all she kept muttering.

"Riot . . . Riot, sweetie, what are you talking about?" I smoothed some hair from her face.

She opened her eyes slowly and stared up at me. I stared back and it was a while before she said anything, but she finally did. Man, do I wish she hadn't.

"I'm . . . Pregnant . . . Maybe . . ." and she closed her eyes again.


AHH YAY I UPDATED!!! Sorry for my hiatus, but I'm having a few issues. I will try to update as much as I can over the rest of break! I will most likely be time-lapsing quite a bit in future chapters.

Anyways, Dedication goes to littlecloud11456 for being the first comment on the last chapter!

Again, I will be dedicating the next chapter to the first comment!

Thank you all for reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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