Can't Stop Me

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*Riot's POV*

When we got home, Andy pushed me into the elevator. I was holding the giant teddy bear tightly to my front as he pushed the button to take us to the third floor. I was so nervous. I never get nervous about cheerleading.

The elevator doors closed and I stared at the little crack between the two. I swear I'm not crazy. Everyone has little voices in their head sometimes, right? Well mine just escaped from the little asylum in my brain.

You didn't make it.

You didn't make it.


So what if I didn't make it? It's not the end of the world, right? I can live a year without cheering. I can survive this.

You didn't make it. It's the end of your world. You already planned what you're going to do. Why not tell Andy? Right here, right now. Tell him what you've been doing. Tell him you've been cutting and starving yourself for . . . How long has it been? Seven years now? While you're at it, why not tell him that Echo has been at it for five years as well?

I felt a single tear start to roll down my face. I sniffled and quietly wiped it away.

"Riot?" Andy was looking at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I said too quickly as I turned to face him.

He sighed. "Please tell me?" He took the bear out of my arms and set him on the ground. "I know something is up. I saw that tear. It came from your left eye. You're obviously upset about something. Is it the cheering thing? Did Amber say something to you? You know we'll all kick her ass if we have to."

I giggled at the thought. "Andy, I promise, I'm fine," I lied.

He looked unsure as he bit his lip. "Alright, but do you promise that if something was bugging you, you would tell me?"

I nodded. "I promise."

I smiled sweetly at him and he nodded before bending down to give me a quick kiss. Well this was a problem . . .

I didn't want quick . . .

Reaching up, I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to me. He gladly responded by placing his hands on my hips and pulling me even closer. I stood on my tip-toes and pushed my lips harder against his. I felt him wobble slightly as one of his hands left my hips to balance us against the wall.

I didn't want any of this to end. Kissing him and just being with him was like being in a totally different world where everything was perfect. But of course, perfection doesn't exist.

The ding of the elevator reaching the third floor brought me back to reality. I nibbled his lower lips gently and pulled away reluctantly. Smiling at him, I picked up the big teddy bear and waited for the doors to open.

Andy gripped my hand tightly when the doors opened. We walked silently down the hallway, hand-in-hand. When we reached the door, he grabbed my key from his back pocket. I really should get a key made for him.

He kissed the top of my head and pushed the door open. When we walked in, I saw Echo and CC cuddling on the couch. Ashley was in the kitchen with Jinxx raiding the fridge, although they probably ate everything in there already. We walked over to where Jake was sitting on the floor. He was playing Xbox. Andy sat down in the recliner chair and pulled me down so that I was sitting on his lap. I smiled and gladly made myself comfortable and set the big teddy bear on the ground.

"How did everything go?" I heard Echo ask me.

"Fine, I guess. I mean, I messed up on the dance, but other than that I think everything was almost perfect."

"How did the slut bag do?"

Everyone looked at us and I giggled. "I hate saying it, but she actually wasn't bad. She always has strong tryouts, but sucks during the actual season."

"I heard she was cheating on Carter with Stacy."

"Whoa, lesbo much?" CC laughed.

Everyone broke out in laughter and Jake finally turned the game off. "Oh hey, a teddy bear!"

I smiled. "Yeah, Andy got him for me." He kissed my cheek lightly and I blushed.

"You should name it," Ashley said while he ran over to us with Jinxx trailing behind him.

"Why don't you name him?" I replied.

"Ummm . . . ALFRED!"

Everyone laughed again. Most of the night went on like this with everyone joking around and yelling random things at each other. Around eight, I got on my laptop and we all went on the school's website.

"So what time will the results be posted?" Jinxx asked. I felt everyone's gaze on me as they waited for an answer.

"They said it could be anywhere between eight and nine o'clock. It's usually around eight-fifteen or eight-thirty-ish though."

Some of the guys nodded and we all stared at the screen as Echo refreshed the page. Nothing up yet.

"Alright, I gotta go to the bathroom. Keep an eye on that page, okay? I'll be right back," I said as I got up off the floor.

I walked over Jake and Andy, who had been sitting next to me on the left, and made my way to the bathroom. When I shut the door, I felt as if someone had thrown a huge rock at my chest. Closing my eyes, I collapsed to my hands and knees and started dry-heaving. I saw faces behind my tightly-shut eyelids.

Ally. Stephanie. Amber. Courtney. Anne.

The new cheerleading squad this year.

Shit. I crawled over to the toilet and . . . Well let's just say that whatever came out of my mouth wasn't pretty.

After about a minute of puking my guts out, I found the strength to stand up. I flushed the nasty mess away and brushed my teeth quickly to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth. I opened the door and everyone was staring at me. Echo had tears in her eyes and CC was trying to wipe them away.

"Riot, I . . ." Andy whispered as he stood up.

I held up my hand to stop him. "I already know. It's fine. I just . . ." I sighed with a shudder. "Let's all just go out. I can't stay here. I need to go somewhere around a bunch of people."

Echo was right with me. "Alright, guys, you heard her! Let's give her an awesome night. RiRi, go change out of those God-awful clothes," (A.K.A. my cheering tryout clothes.) "Jinxx, please go brush your hair or something so it looks somewhat decent."

"Hey!" Jinxx said. Echo gave him one of her looks and he shut right up.

"We'll all walk down to the club down the street since it's close and I know how much you all like to drink," I smiled slightly. She knew me so well. "Alright, people, let's move! I want to be out of this apartment in five minutes!"

Everyone scrambled around as I slowly trudged to my bedroom and threw on my fringed black shorts and a black New Years Day t-shirt. I made sure the door was closedtightly before grabbing one of the small blades from the little wooden box hidden under my pillow. I lifted my shirt and carefully placed the blade in the lace of my lime green zebra bra. Echo thought she could stop me from doing this again, but she can't.

Nothing can stop me from doing this. I already planned it . . .


Anywhoo, Riot's NYD shirt is on the side (I'm starting to listen to them now). I know that earlier in the story I said that Echo was twenty-one and well . . . Yeah nope. She's nineteen. I already went back and changed it ("Surprised Again"). Riot is actually the one that's twenty-one. So . . . Yep I think that's it.

Have fun reading!! (P.S. I love your guys’ comments!! Please comment more!!! <3)

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