Never Speak of This

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*Riot's POV*

"No . . . NO!! ARGH!!!" I woke up screaming and kicking with hot tears streaming down my face.

"AAHHH!!!!" I heard a deep voice scream. Immediately after, I felt the sheets rustling and I heard a loud thud as all of the blankets were torn off of my bed. "God damn, Riot! What the hell was that about?" The voice said, obviously pissed off.

"I . . . I'm sorry . . . I just . . ." I choked on my words as a new wave of tears poured down my face. I could hear myself sobbing, but my body was totally numb and in pain at the same time. My head was killing me and I had no memory of last night. What the fuck happened?

"Nightmare again?" He asked as he stood up. My vision was totally clouded by tears, so I could barely make out who was standing naked in my bedroom. Luckily, he had tattoos that set him apart.

Through the tears, I could see a thick, black, blurry line on the center of his tummy. Wait . . . I sniffled and wiped some tears to clear my vision. Andy doesn't have a tattoo like that on his stomach . . . I blinked . . . Once. Twice. The tattoo read OUTLAW in bold letters.

Oh God . . . What the hell happened last night?

As thoughts popped into my mind, a shooting pain went right through my skull, causing a wave of nausea to come over me. Fuck. I scrambled to get out of the bed so I could run to the bathroom, but that only resulted in me tripping over the mess of blankets on the floor. I screamed as I tumbled towards the ground and I felt his hands trying to grab me, but I was falling so fast that the only thing he did was scratch my back with his fingernails.

I hit the ground with a loud thud. My forehead smacked the hardwood floor and I felt my arm scrape the corner of my metal bed frame before it hit the ground. I heard light footsteps behind me as I lay on the ground, no energy to get up and dry-heaving.

"Riot! Riot, are you okay? Oh God, you're bleeding . . . Shit . . . Ah, come sit on the bed." His rough hands grabbed me and helped me back up and towards the bed. I didn't notice I had no clothes on until I actually sat down.

"Ashley." Why did it hurt so much to say his name? He stopped fussing about and looked at me. "What. The hell. Happened. Last night?" I asked him through clenched teeth.

"I, uh . . . I'm not exactly sure . . . I think, um . . . I think we--" I cut him off.

"Did we . . . We didn't . . . do it . . . Did we?"

I watched him look at the wall silently, which answered my question. I felt myself curl into a little ball on my bed, and I winced as my arm and my hips stung. A new wave of tears spilled out of my eyes as I sobbed uncontrollably. This can't be happening . . .

*Ashley's POV*

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to comfort her and fix the cut on her arm, but I knew she would just yell at me. This was the worst thing that could have happened. Why did I have to go drink so much after I saw . . . Don't think about it.

I sighed and looked around the room. Our clothes were all over the floor. Spotting my Hello Kitty boxers in the corner of the room, I slowly walked over and slid them on to make things less awkward, though I doubt that was possible. I made my way over to where Riot was crying on her bed. Shit, this is my fault . . .

"Riot?" I whispered. I don't think she heard me because she didn't move, just continued crying. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Riot?" This time she sat up. Her arm was bleeding pretty badly as she left it lying still on her bare lap. Looking closer now, I saw that some of the cuts on her hips had reopened and started bleeding again.

She stared at me with tears streaming down her face as I tried to figure out what to say. But what did I say? 'Sorry I fucked you.'? I opened my mouth to say something. Anything. But nothing came out.

"Ash . . . Just . . . Just get dressed, help me find something to wear that won't irritate this thing," she gestured to her arm, "And just . . . Never speak of this . . ."

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