Not How We Expected It to Go

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*Echo's POV*

Holy shit. The place was a total mess! The guys were on the floor in the kitchen and they were covered in flour! I looked at the counter and saw five spoons and a tipped over bottle. Those fuckers did the cinnamon challenge, too, didn't they!?

Riot's face was bright pink and I knew things were about to get ugly. I set my plastic bags on the ground and grabbed the others out of Riot's hands. Setting them on the floor next to mine, I looked her in the eyes and started pushing her backwards out the door. She didn't budge at first, but she finally started walking backwards.

When she was finally out in the hall, I went back in the room and saw the guys standing in the kitchen, unsure of what to do with themselves. "Just . . . Just give us a minute while I try to calm her down," I told them. "You guys can take showers before or after dinner. There are clean towels under the sink."

I walked into the hallway and shut the door before I got a response. I saw Riot pacing back and forth and heard her trying to take deep breaths. I haven't seen her this upset in years. It's probably better to face the storm instead of letting her try to handle it on her own. I know how she can get.

"Riot, are you okay?" I asked quietly.

She turned and glared at me. "No, I am not o-fucking-kay! Did you not see the apartment?! They covered everything in flour and cinnamon! I can't believe that we were actually stupid enough to leave them alone!"

"Riot, they were just having fun. It's going to be okay. I'm sure they'll clean it all up. Plus you can always get Andy to make it up to you in some way," I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She stared at me for a minute before a small smile grew on her face. Her complexion was losing it's red tint and she started giggling. And there's the aftermath laugh-attack. She always gets laugh attacks after being angry or upset with something. They're actually quite amusing.

I smiled and opened the door to the apartment. Pulling the still giggling Riot in with me, we went to grab the bags off the floor, but saw the guys standing in their place. They were all lined up and Jake was standing in the middle of the group with my blue oven mitts holding a cake in a pan that was still burning hot. They cake had M&M's on it that spelled out "Sorry" in big letters. They all had puppy-dog faces as they stared at us. They were also still covered in flour and cinnamon.

"We're sorry about the mess," Jinxx said in a low voice. "CC wanted to make a cake and it just turned into a big flour fight. The cinnamon challenge was my idea . . . So . . . Sorry . . ."

They all nodded and looked down at their feet. Jake was holding the cake out to us and they all looked really uncomfortable. I looked at Riot and she was trying so hard not to laugh. I poked her side and she burst out with loud giggles. I couldn't help myself and I joined in. We were both laughing our asses off and they guys were staring at us like we had lost our minds--and I'm not saying we haven't.

When my laughter finally subsided, I shook my head and opened my arms. "Come here, guys. We aren't angry."

"Group hug!" Someone yelled. Jake set the cake down on the counter and they all came in close. Riot was still giggling like crazy as we all hugged it out. We really weren't mad. 

I just hope they're as accepting as us when they find out about the baby.

*After Dinner is Cooked*

*Riot's POV*

We were all sitting at the small round table in the corner of the little kitchen. As Echo and I cooked dinner --consisting of baby back ribs that we made in the oven, baby corn, and steamed baby carrots-- the guys took turns taking showers. We gave them each some lounge pants we bought from the guy's section at Walmart and some of our bigger pajama shirts.The only person who didn't get to shower and change before dinner was Ashley.

"It's cool. I want to eat with everyone," he said. "I'll just shower after."

We passed the plates of food around the table and everyone got their servings. I usually never cooked this much food--Echo and I don't eat much. The two of us each had two small ribs, a couple pieces of baby corn and four baby carrots. Andy looked at me funny and I saw him secretly try to slip another rib onto my plate. I smiled and let him and watched as Echo let CC slip another onto her plate. She smiled and we all started eating.

The guys all had huge servings of everything on their plates and we all had glasses of water in front of us. I heard some small talk around the table, but it was mostly about video games and tv shows I didn't watch. I ignored all of the conversation around me and ate silently until Andy started talking.

"Alright, guys, I can't take it anymore! Can we tell them!?"

"Tell us what?" Echo asked, setting her fork down.

I wiped my mouth with my little napkin and watched as Andy stood up. The guys were all smiling at him and Echo and I were staring at Andy. He took a deep breath and spoke in his low, sexy voice.

"Riot . . . Echo . . ." He addressed us. "CC and I talked it over and . . . Well . . . Wewantyoutwotomoveinwithus." He said the last part as one big word and I didn't understand what he said at first.

"What?" Echo asked. "Can you repeat that last part?"

Andy sighed and started again. "CC and I want you two," he said while pointing at us, "to move in with us. We all live in the same general area and we thought it would be nice having you girls around."

"Oh . . . Oh my God, Andy," I looked at Echo and she was beaming at CC. Obviously she was fully on board with this plan. "Yes!" The guys all cheered in approval and I saw Echo kiss CC with a certain passion I had never seen in her before.

"That's great!" Andy screamed as he pulled me up out of my chair into a huge hug. "And of course, you can come finish the tour with us . . . You know . . . If you want to . . ."

I nodded and stood on my tip-toes so I could give him a kiss. Why did I have to be so short? He gladly bent down and closed the distance between our lips. He tasted like barbecue sauce and I giggled. I felt something smooth run across my lower lip. Was that . . . That's his tongue!

I felt my face go hot as I heard hooting and cheering coming from Jinxx and Jake. Andy was still kissing me and I distantly heard Ashley talking. "I'm going to go shower," was all he said before he walked off into the bathroom.

Andy reluctantly pulled away from me and nudged my face with his. I giggled and we sat down to finish our dinners. We both finished what was left on our plates and I laughed when I looked at Andy"

"Boo, you've got barbecue sauce all over your face," I told him.

He smiled and replied, "You want another taste of it?" He asked with a wink. I blushed deeply and kissed him. The sauce just smeared all over our faces and I giggled at the slippery yet sticky feeling between our lips. He tried to lick some of it off, but I kept giggling. I didn't want anything to get too serious while the whole band was here.

I heard bare feet stomping across the tile floor and pulled away from Andy to see everyone staring at Ashley who was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a white towel wrapped around his waist. His OUTLAW tattoo was shimmering from the water left over on his stomach and chest and his hair was dripping onto his shoulders.

One of his hands held the towel against his waist and in the other I saw a little white stick. He was staring at me in horror and disbelief. His eyes were red rimmed and his mouth was wide open. It took a minute before he could speak, but I already knew what he was going to say.

He screamed at me, "You're pregnant?!"

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