Surprised Again

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*Echo's POV*

Riot got out of the buggie and into the car without helping me put the groceries in the trunk. Well alrighty then, I thought to myself. I put the cart in the return thing (A/N: No fucking clue what those things are actually called so I hope that's right) and  opened the car door. Riot was staring out the window with her hood up. I couldn't see her face and her arms were crossed on her chest. Her hands were clenched into tight fists and looked  bright white against the black sleeves of her Harry Potter jacket. I heard her sniffle and wasn't sure if it was from her being sick or if she was maybe crying.

I sighed and got in the car, slamming the door shut behind me. I turned the key and drove out of the parking lot silenty. I saw Riot reaching for the radio controls from the corner of my eye. It stared blasting "Abigail" by Motionless in White. She always turned on loud music when she was upset or thinking. I had to admit that it always helped her, but we had to talk about this.

When I stopped at the red light in the intersection, I reached over and turned the radio off. I heard her growl at me and I sighed.

"Riot, will you please talk to me?"

No response. She just stared out the window again.

"Alright, then just listen. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry that I upset you and yeah, I know it was fucking stupid of me to do that. Just . . . Please don't ignore me . . . If I really am . . ." I shuddered, "pregnant . . . Then I'm really going to need you . . . I can't do this on my own." I felt a tear start rolling down my face. Funny. I hadn't even noticed my eyesight was starting to blur.

I stared out the windshield, waiting for a response. It felt like I was sitting there forever, just waiting for her to say something. Anything. My knuckles were white from holding onto the steering wheel so tightly and I could feel my nails digging into my palms, but it didn't hurt. I was so numb that I could barely feel anything at this point.

I heard Riot cough and then sniffle quietly. "You're so fucking lucky I love you . . ."

I smiled. "So you are able to talk!" I looked over at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just get us home so I can take my meds and you can take that test."

I shuddered and kept driving. We didn't talk the rest of the way home and Riot kept the radio off. I was thinking the whole time.

I can't be pregnant. I thought to myself. I just can't be . . .

*At Home*

When I pulled into our usual parking spot in the tiny parking lot across the street, Riot jumped out of the car and grabbed as many bags as she could possibly hold. I grabbed the rest and we sprinted across the street and into the elevator. We still weren't talking. It would just be too awkward.  

We ran into our tiny apartment and started putting the groceries away. I left the rubber ducks on the counter with the pregnancy test since I was going to bring them in there anyways. I watched Riot throw the box of pop-tarts in the little drawer by the wall and then the cereal in the cupboard next to it. We finished putting things away within five minutes. When we were finished, we both stood there in the small kitchen,staring at the little white and blue box on the counter.  

"Well . . . Are you ready?" Riot asked me.  

I sighed. "No. not really . . . But I guess It has to be done." I grabbed the small box and gave Riot a quick hug before walking into the bathroom.  

*Riot's POV*   I heard the bathroom door shut and I almost collapsed. I used the counter for support as I made my way over to sit at the table in the corner. How could this be happening? Echo was only nineteen years old. Yeah she was of legal age, but she had only known CC for about a week.  

I heard the toilet flush and the door open. "Riot?" Echo said. I walked over to the bathroom and saw her standing in the doorway with the little stick in her hand. "It'll take about five to seven minutes for the results . . . "  

I walked over and hugged her tightly. She set the little pregnancy test down on the counter in the bathroom and hugged me back. I didn't know what else to do. I had no words to say.  

We stood in the bathroom for a few minutes until I heard Echo's phone alarm go off. She looked at me nervously and I saw her shaking. "You do it . . . I can't . . ." She said quietly.  

I sighed and picked up the box and the test. The box said that two lines meant you were pregnant. My hands were shaking so bad. I set the box down on the counter and glanced at Echo. She was staring at the ground with tears pouring down her face. I sighed and stared at the little stick in my hand.    

Two lines.  

I felt wobbly and let my self fall to my knees. I heard Echo squeak and start asking me questions, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I felt her shake my shoulders roughly and heard her scream in my face.   "Riot!! What does it say?!"  

"You're going to be a mom, Echo . . ." We both went silent after that. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever and just sat there on the bathroom floor.  

We both jumped when "Youth and Whiskey" started playing. Echo's ring tone for CC.

Oh shit.

Echo reached up to the counter and grabbed her phone. I watched her stare at it for a second before answering it. "H-hello?" I heard CC's muffled response through the phone. "Alright hang on, babe. I'm here with Riot. I'm going to put you on speaker phone," she clicked the little button and we sat there, both staring at the phone.  

"HI RIOT!" CC screamed through the phone. He kept talking, not giving me a chance to reply. "Okay, so Andy and Jinxx are both sick, so we had to cancel a few shows. We'll be back home tomorrow, but we were going to stop at the apartment and pick you guys up. Is that okay?"  

I looked at Echo and she just sat there staring at the phone. She couldn't talk. I tried to say something, but my mouth went dry.  

"Hello? Anybody there?" CC asked.  

"Yeah, sorry. Um . . . Yeah tomorrow should be fine," I said.  

"YAY! Okay, then I'll see you two tomorrow! Oh, and Riot, Andy says he has a surprise for you," I heard him chuckle and got a bit nervous. "I think you're going to like it."  

"Yeah well . . . I guess we'll see . . . Um, we kinda have a surprise for you, too."  

"Oh really now? Well, I can't wait to find out! Okay, I'm gonna go because the guys want to get some drinks or something. I'll see you two tomorrow! And, Echo . . ." she jumped a little at the sound of her name. "I just want to say I'm glad I have you in my life and . . . Well I love you. Okay . . . Um . . . BYE!" He hung up and the phone went dark.  

We both sat there staring at each other, unsure of what to do. How the hell are we going to tell the guys?!  


OH MY FUCKING GOD I FUCKING LOVE FUCKING NUTELLA!!!!!! XD I was eating it out of the jar with a little plastic spoon while I typed this. And it's one in the morning and I'm skyping with JORDAN!!!!! If you don't follow her, you totally should!! @jordan_loves_cc :D LOVE YOU JORDAN!!!! (And your alter-ego Paula!!!! ^-^)

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