Gummy Bears and Wine

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*Ashley's POV*

Okay, so Riot isn't pregnant . . . But Echo is. CC is fine with it. Actually he must be really okay with it, considering right after he found out, he carried her to the bedroom. Jeez, can't those two take a break? I was just glad it wasn't Riot. I just can't picture her pregnant with Andy's baby. I actually can't picture her pregnant at all. She just doesn't seem like the kind of girl to get pregnant at this time in her life.

After I got dressed, I helped Riot and the guys clean up the dining room and kitchen. The flour and cinnamon was much easier to clean up than I expected. Riot had a handy little Swiffer mop that took care of it, with the help of Andy. I vacuumed the remaining flour off of the couch since that part was my fault, and Jinxx and Jake were cleaning the counter and trying to figure out how to get the cake out of the cake pan and onto a plate. It took us about ten minutes to finish everything.

I looked over to the kitchen to see Jinxx and Jake still struggling with the cake. They were both just standing there staring at it, like they could move it onto the plate with their minds. I smiled as Riot giggled and walked over to them. She grabbed the cake pan and flipped it over above the plate. She quickly set it down and tapped the bottom with a wooden spoon. When she lifted the cake pan, I saw the cake sitting perfectly on the plate in all it's fluffy glory.

Jake and Jinxx both gave her high fives and I laughed as I put the vacuum away in the little coat closet by the door. When I walked back to the kitchen, Riot was showing the guys how to ice the cake and Andy was laughing at them.

"But what about the M&M's underneath the cake?" Jake asked Riot in his innocent voice that he thought was cute and silly.

"I have other candies that you can put on top of the cake. Like . . . I think I have gummy bears."

"GUMMY BEARS!?" I heard CC yell as he burst out of Echo's bedroom. He was in his boxers and his hair was . . . Well he had sex hair . . . Echo followed behind him shortly, also with sex hair and just a long t-shirt over her underwear. Well then.

"Are you two love birds done for the night?" Andy mocked them.

"Hmmm . . ." Echo contemplated. "For now . . . But not for the night . . ." CC turned and winked at her and she blushed and gave him a kiss. We all booed and threw things at them. I saw pillows flying and an empty watter bottle hit CC in the head.

We all laughed a bit before Riot called us all back to the table. "Alright, guys, let's have some cake and drinks!"

"Gummy bears, too?" I heard CC ask.

We all laughed and Echo answered him. "You can have anything you want, babe."

Riot went to the cupboards and pulled out a big bag of gummy bears. I watched her as she got plates and forks and wine glasses. She grabbed two wine bottles from the fridge and set them on the table. We all sat down and she passed out plates with cake and forks on them. I have to say, the guys did a pretty good job icing it. CC grabbed the bag of gummy bears and started piling them on top of his cake. The first layer stuck to the icing, but then they started to roll off of his plate and onto the table.

"Chuppy, watch the bears!" Andy said while he took the bag off of CC.

"Sorry . . . You know I eat sugar when I stressed . . ." He looked down and popped a green bear into his mouth.

"Babe," Echo said, "are you sure you're okay with this?" She looked sad and nervous as she awaited his response.

I saw him try to smile, but I knew it was forced. "I'm scared shitless . . . But I know we'll make it through this." With that, Echo smiled and kissed him again. Jinxx threw gummy bears at them and CC pulled away from Echo to catch them in his mouth,

This resulted in everyone laughing and throwing gummy bears around at each other. I threw some at CC and he caught them. I smiled and felt a few bears hit my face and heard Riot's high-pitched giggles. I looked over at her to see her smiling at me and getting ready to throw more gummy bears at me. I grabbed some off of the table and flung them at her. She dodged them and threw a few red ones at me. I caught them in my mouth and she giggled as I winked at her.

If only she really knew what she meant to me . . .

*Riot's POV*

Okay, what is up with Ashley? All I did was throw a few gummy bears at him and all of a sudden he gets all winky-faced. I had to admit it was kind of adorable though. He was chomping on the gummy bears I threw at him and smiling as he threw more bears at Jake.

I laughed and felt a hand on the back of my neck. I looked to my right to see Andy with his lips covered in icing and a green gummy bear held between his teeth. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I felt my face flush. I leaned in to kiss him, mainly because I wanted the gummy bear. Green was always my favorite. He closed the distance between us, like usual, but this time I was the one to lick his lips. I heard a small groan come from him before I snatched the gummy bear from his teeth with my tongue.

I pulled away from him and it turns out, I had licked his lips clean of icing. He smiled at me and gave me another quick kiss before eating his gummy bears and cake. I looked around and was glad everyone was having fun. I glanced at Ashley and saw him staring at his wine glass. He wasn't smiling anymore and the glass was almost empty. Strange. I hadn't even seen him fill it up.

I watched him as he filled the glass once more and the yellowish liquid almost reached the top of the glass. I frowned as he chugged half of the glass' contents and lightly set it back on the table. He was the only one actually drinking out of everyone in our little party.

I felt kind of bad. Ashley looked distressed as he stared at the table. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about . . .

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