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Perfect Three

Hello loves! I just started writing this chap even if I haven't hit 300 yet though I just want to write this story... causeeeeeee it's been added to a list xD TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY holy eh.. anyway just that's Dani's phone attached ^^ and maybe a song by Zendaya cause ADDICTED.

Okay before I go crazy, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy, xx

Welcome to Three!

P.S: (THIS IS ALL HAPPENING IN 2014) AND YES I KNOW Maybe the Iphone 5 wasn't out yet but idrc xD


| Daniella Mason |

"Dani, er... I know you really like Harry- And no don't try denying it- but... Harry just, er I don't know how to say this..." Louis presses his lips in a straight line, frowning while looking for the right words to say whatever he wants to say.

"Harry has charms, and he uses them a lot, you could call him a womaniser but he's not that bad either. He just likes having someone around that isn't a male." Louis explains, and I nod, understanding.

"I'm just scared he's going to use you, Dani. Not like I don't trust him, and I trust you, I just don't want trouble. Please don't fall for him, Dani." Louis looks into my eyes, concern flashing in his. "I get it, Lou. I'll do my best. But right now, I'm still wearing his shirt!" I raise my eyebrows.


"Oh goodness Louis don't think that. Ew. I had to have something to wear to bed so I went to go ask you but bumped into Harry on the way and then he gave me this." I explain, pointing to the green long sleeved blouse.

"Right." Louis scratches the back of his neck, getting up and heading for the door, "Perrie left some clothes here from last time she came over for Zayn, I'll go get them for you."

"Okay thanks." I grin before he leaves, and I get up to make my bed. Yes, I'm the kind of girl who makes her bed and doesn't leave it untidy 24/7.

Louis comes back with a pile of clothes and smiles, "Here, I found these, I think you two have the same size. I'll let you change." He gives me the pile before leaving to give me some privacy.

I check the clothing and it's not really like my style, but I like it so I put it on. It consists of a black lace crop top, high waisted black skinny jeans and pointed heels. When I'm all dressed and have done a bit of make up, I walk out, not forgetting the black purse Louis brought in with the clothes too.

"Done?" Louis asks and I nod, "Yeah. All done."

"Great, cause it's already eleven and we're going to the mall at twelve." Louis smiles, resting a hand on my back to lead me towards the kitchen, where everyone who is awake is sitting.

"What's for breakfast guys?"

"Eh.. Dani no-one can cook." Niall pouts, rubbing his tummy. "Aw poor Ni, guess what? I'll make you guys some proper food!" I exclaim, opening the fridge to check what to make.

"What's going on?" Harry asks, rubbing his eyes while walking into the kitchen. "Dani's making us proper food!" Niall squeals, bouncing up and down. "Yeah I am," I nod while grabbing the ingredients to make waffles.

"What are you making, Dani?" Harry asks, coming up behind me. I swear I can feel his breath on my neck, making goosebumps appear on the back of my neck. "Er.. waffles." I whisper, biting my lip.

"With chocolate syrup?"

"With chocolate syrup." I laugh, turning around to get it from the fridge. "Yay thank you Dani!" Harry wraps his arms around me and I nearly choke on my own spit. Harry Styles is a big cuddly bear in the morning... Kill me please.

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