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Perfect Twenty-One


| Daniella Mason |

I gasp as soon as Harry's lips collide with mine. I wasn't expecting that. At all. But, on instinct, my hands tangle into his hair and before I know it we're stumbling into a room. I'm not entirely sure who's or what kind of room it is, but I'm guessing that it's the spare bedroom seeing that that's what I was closest to before he attacked me with his cherry-bitten lips.

Harry's hands grip my hips, pushing me down onto the bed with so much power it leaves my head spinning. He shrugs off his coat and pulls his shirt off. I bite my lip as his drool-worthy ten pack comes into view and I rub my hands over his abs, feeling the soft yet bulging skin.

"Mhmm baby, love your touch," He mumbles while he kisses from my hairline, past my ear and down my neck, leaving hickeys on the way. "I missed you Haz," I mutter softly, lifting his chin to press my lips to his softly and passionately.

He moans against my lips, almost falling on top of me due to his arms shaking. I smirk and flip us over, causing him to lose control. Harry grunts a bit and lets out a soft 'oomph' when his head hits the plush white pillows of the mahogany bed.

"Dani..." He groans when I start to press kisses all over his chest and collar bone, leaving soft hickeys on random spots. Then, I start to kiss up his neck and bite down on the skin behind his ear. It triggers a low grunt to release from his lips and I smirk in victory.

I know my touch is driving me insane, and the feeling of control gets me so... Pumped. He starts to buck his hips up as if to tell me that I need to hurry the f*ck up and get to the point, but I deny him and continue pressing kisses at a teasingly slow pace.

Feeling his skin start to heat up after a while, I pull away and slide my body down, under the sheets that covered Harry's still jean-clad legs. "Baby ugh," He moans when I start to kiss the edge of his jeans while hooking my fingers into them after unbuttoning the buttons and undoing the zip.

While sucking on his v-line, I pull his jeans down his legs slowly. I try to be careful and avoid grazing his boner since I'm not that evil. But, on second thoughts, maybe I should've. Nevertheless I keep my cool and throw his jeans on the ground, together with his boxers.

I look back up to be eye-to-eye with his huge hard on. After a soft bite of my lip, I make a bold move and lick a thick strip from the base to his tip, where I swirl my tongue around before doing the same lick only downwards, and the other side.

He immediately lets out an appreciative moan, one of his hands moving from the sheets to tangle in my hair. While on it, I rim my lips to fit over his tip and soon enough they're wrapped sound it. Harry's voice breaks when he lets out a choked moan, his back arching off of the bed and his hips bucking up into my mouth.

I slide my mouth further down his thick length, relaxing my jaw yet hollowing my cheeks to make sure it's a tight fit. "Fu-uck Da-ani," Harry grunts, his fingers tugging on my hair. I smirk around his d*ck, moving my mouth up and down to lubricate the other 1/4 of his shaft.

Harry moans loudly, his chest heaving up and down in short, deep breaths. I bob my head up and down in long thrusts, his length tightly fit in between my hollowed cheeks. His grip tightens even more on my hair and he forces me down, deep throating him.

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