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Perfect Twenty-Four

*Listen to 'Strong' by One Direction while reading this chapter. Video in the multimedia section.*

| Harry Styles |

The sun shines onto my eyelids and forces me to wake up, and I do so, groggily. I feel a lump in my throat and dry tear stains on my cheeks and bare chest. It reminds me of the hurt I felt -and still feel- this early morning.

I turn to check the time on my digital clock. 11:03; it reads. I sigh and roll out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. Once there, I turn the shower on and get under it once the water is hot. My IPod starts blaring 'Everytime We Touch' by Cascada while I wet my hair.

Tears start to form in the corners of my eyes, though I try to keep them from falling. After failing, I decide to just let them flow freely. I bring my wrists up, examining the now faint slit marks and a long sigh leaves my parted lips.

I rub my face with my wet palms before succeeding in massaging shampoo into my curls. I hadn't ever told anyone about my problems. Never. Louis had noticed the slits every now and then, but he thankfully didn't question it much.

They're the reason I wear bracelets and jumpers a lot. I could never go through a day without doing it, it was just impossible. Maybe I should talk to the boys, but I was always scared that they'd leave or kick me out of the band. When Daniella came into my life, it only got worse.

She just reminds me so much of one of them...

I shake my head to release the thoughts, my heart clenching at the flashbacks shimmering through my mind. I finally get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.

Glancing over at the mirror, I capture my reflection. The brown curls that are now invisible, the ones I get appreciated most for. I didn't see the beauty in them - they're just curls. Ugly curls. They're not wavy, or shiny. It's just a brown, lumpy mess.

Then, my eyes met the green orbs in the mirror. They weren't shiny, they didn't look happy. I haven't been happy in years. The fans would make me feel a bit better, but it was unforgivingly hard to fake a smile and make it seem as if I was happy.

I sigh and move away from the mirror, going to get dressed. I do so and wear a black jumper with black jeans. All black, just like my mood, I think and rub my face before walking out of the room barefooted.

The first person I see is Niall, who immediately runs over and gives me a tight hug. For no reason, really. "I heard your fight with Dani last night. I'm sorry," He says. Oh. So there is a reason.

"It's fine, Ni. But thanks," I let a soft and weak smile curve on the corners of my mouth. He grins and lets go of me before going to get back to whatever he was doing. I go through the living room to leave the apartment, finding Daniella, Louis, and Jenna sitting on the couch.

"Morning," I mumble, rubbing my cold hands together. "Hey Harry," Daniella smiles, as if nothing happened. The thought and sight of her makes my heart ache and I look away. "I'm going out, I won't be back till late," I bite my lip.

Dani looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "Where are you going?" Thankfully Louis replies for me. "He has to write some songs. For our album. And he has some errands to run," He explains. "Oh okay, good luck," Dani says, her expression dropping.

I shrug and walk out, going to my car and driving to the studio.


I arrive at home at 11 p.m., with the expectations that everyone is awake. But, nobody is. They're all sitting on the couch, as if talking while Zayn and Louis have worried expressions on their faces.

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