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Perfect Thirteen

A/N: This manip on top was made by the amazing -Aquarius- in the time it was called 'Fool's Gold' it's really f*cking amazing so I just want to say thank you so so much. She's also the creator of the new cover ( which I am still close to crying about cause ❤️❤️❤️ ) xx

| Daniella Mason |

My blood freezes, it literally fucking freezes. I couldn't believe, Harry, Fucking, Styles, just sang his solo in What Makes You Beautiful into my ear.

Nope. I'm dreaming. Harry chuckles, snapping out of my thoughts as his arms wrap around my waist and his lips on the shell of my ear, "Wanna come?"

Uhm.... "What?" I ask, holding in a giggle. "Wanna come, to go to Louis' and Niall's? Were you not listening?" Harry asks, his voice slightly faded. Well, maybe that's my imagination, or just my focus. Cause I really can't focus on what he's saying when he's an inch away from dipping his fingers into my jeans.

"Oh, sorry I probably wasn't, what're we gonna do there?" I ask, stammering a little. His chuckle rings through my ears, and he presses a soft kiss to my ear. "We're going there to meet Jenna, she's coming over since it's only a week left till Christmas, which means it's Louis' birthday soon," He explains.

I nod, "Awesome. Well I better change then." Harry pulls away, flashing me a smile and I walk to my room, opening the closet doors immediately. I pull out a white tank top and washed skinny jeans.

I check my makeup and brush my hair before walking out to Harry, who's dressed in a black long sleeved v-neck and jeans. Looking absolutely stunning. He flashes me a toothy grin, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as soon as I come to stand next to him.

Maybe, I think, he isn't as bad as I thought.


Harry knocks on the door of Louis and Niall's apartment, and I actually feel slightly nervous. Cause, to be frank, I've never met one of the boy's girlfriends before. Even Perrie, due to being on tour with the girls.

When the door opens, it isn't Louis or Niall opening it, it's a brunette with brown eyes, her hair no longer than her shoulders and a few hickeys visible on her neck.

Carefree, I see, just like Louis. Uh huh that's Jenna, I think, and extend my hand, but instead she envelopes me in a hug. "Daniella, am I right?" She asks when we break the hug.

"Yep, Jenna, I'm guessing?" I grin, and Harry laughs, "Hey Jen. I see you've already had a shower with Louis?"

She sticks her tongue out at him, "Yes, yes I did Harry. Is it that fucking obvious?"

I giggle, it seeming that Harry and her never really get along without having banter. He turns to me and explains, "It's kind of their tradition to have a shower together when they first meet after a long time and it basically always ends with hickeys."

"Oh, I see," I giggle, "So always sex or just marks?" And Jenna shakes her head at Harry, slapping the back of his head. "I really hate you Harry," She says, but turns to me to reply, "It differs."

I nod, just before Louis appears behind Jenna, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzling her neck. "Hi Dani," He beams, obviously happy that his dįck has been calmed, only kidding.

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