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Perfect Thirty

Little Mix -

| Harry Styles |

Louis had texted me saying he was halfway home - stuck in traffic -, but that it was clearing already so he'd be home soon. Since then, I've been sitting on the couch waiting for him. I missed him, and I couldn't wait to hear what had happened at the Dawson's.

When I finally see his car pull up on the parking lot of the apartment complex we all still live in, I smile and jump up. Blushing at the sudden realisation of what I did, I sit back down and turn on the tv, though not paying attention to it at all.

In just a few minutes time, the door opens and Louis walks through. That's when I jump up and run over to him, hugging him tight. He laughs and wraps his arms around me, "You okay Haz?"

I nod and smile blushing again. "Sorry I just missed you." He breathes out a soft chuckle and ruffles my hair, "Don't worry you little monkey."

Letting out a laugh, I smile and look him up and down,"Wow it was really dress to impress huh?" "Uh I guess so," Louis chuckles and goes over to grab a glass from the table - which I had already filled with drinks and snacks.

He open the Coke bottles, pouring it into the glass and sits down. "Harry, I need help." I bite my lip and sit on the chair in front of him, criss-cross.

"With what? Is everything okay? Or is this the proposal?" I ask, looking at the slightly tensed Louis in front of me. "Yeah, I'm just not sure what to even say to her. And what if she says no Haz." He sighs, biting his lip.

Leaning over, I rest my hand on his knee, "Hey, she won't, ok? Jenna loves you just as much as you love her, she'd never say no." He nods and let's out a bit of a shaky breath, "Will you be my best man? Please? It'd mean the world to me and - just..."

An uncontrollable smile spreads past my lips and I nod, "Of course I will."

He smiles gently and nods, looking at the glass in his hand. "Thank you." "You're welcome, Lou. So what would you like for the proposal? I'll help you," I say and grab my notebook and a pen.

Louis smiles and nods, sipping his drink as I turn to a blank page. "I'd really like to do it at the restaurant you know, the one in the Eiffel Tower on like the fifth floor it is? Yeah... Uhm well the mask is probably just going to be the fact that it's our anniversary and she'd always wanted to go to Paris and like its a gift..." Louis trails off a bit.

I smile and chuckle, "Lou it looks like you've got this all planned out already." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "I know but I need everything to be perfect to the seams you know I can't stand the fact I might mess up."

"You won't mess up, alright? Just go home, book a flight, reserve a dinner in the restaurant and take her touring all around Pari. And get a hotel with a good quality bed, you'll need it. Then, take Jenna out and give her a pretty golden envelope with the tickets in it," I tell him, getting up.

I head to the small office nook in my room, opening the drawer and pulling out exactly the kind of envelope I was talking about. Then, I go back to him and hand over the gold-coloured sparkling paper.

He blushes and nods, "Okay thank you Harry this means the world." I smile and shrug, sitting back down. "It's no problem, Lou. Anything for my best friend." He chuckles and gets up, going over to give me a quick hug, "Well I best be off. Even though it's just right next door. Thank you so much again."

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now