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Perfect Fifteen

| Harry Styles |

A week and a few days later, I found myself at Louis' house, gulping down a water. You're not getting drunk tonight, Harry, that's Louis' job.

And technically, I wasn't even legal yet. Sucks to be nineteen. But, oh well. Adam Lambert was blaring through the speakers, and for some reason I felt bored. Really bored.

It had been awkward between Dani and I ever since we last kissed in the hall way, against the wall. Even I couldn't get my head around it all.

Maybe Louis put vodka in our hot chocolate.

No, no he wouldn't do that. He was prepared for a lot of things, but not that. My phone beeps, snapping me out of my thoughts.


Come on over!! There's some serious business going on here 😂😂

I raise my eyebrows, but make my way to the bar where I see Louis mixing drinks, and Jenna drinking them. "Oh damn that's not going to work out right," I hear Zayn say.

"Jenna!" Dani calls, and my head turns to her. Wearing a strapless dark blue dress, her curves were visible and it made her look stunning. Her hair was curled and pinned to the side, laying on her right shoulder.

Her light green eyes were surrounded with a thin line of black eyeliner, her lashes long and thick with mascara, and her lips painted a dark red. I could tell she was wearing foundation, seeing her skin wasn't glistening in the light above her.

Liam turns to me, nudging me hard in the ribs, "Mate, stop staring. You're catching attention." I frown, "How? It's only been two min-" Oh.

"It's actually been twelve minutes, Harry."

Shit. Yeah. I realised that.

"Uhm, okay yeah," I say looking away from her. Liam chuckles and pats my shoulder before disappearing. I sigh, rubbing my face, this was awkward. And stressing.

I need to think of something, quick. I can't deal with the tension anymore. And then, when 'Mistletoe' by Justin Bieber came up, I got the perfect idea.

"Louis!" I exclaim, jogging up to the almost-tipsy 22 year old. "Yeah Haz?" He replies, sipping on his beer. It seems that Zayn and Niall did get him to stop giving himself and Jenna weird cocktails.

I look at him, "Do you have mistletoe anywhere? I need some."

Louis laughs, "'Course we do. We've got some in my room." I nod and speed off to his room, which was currently being shared with Jenna. When I open the door, I expected a mess, seeing Louis was and still is the biggest slob I know.

It turns out to be relatively neat, though. And I'm guessing Jenna did some cleaning up. Kind of obvious, I mean, you wouldn't want to have sex in a heap of dirty laundry right?

"It's the most beautiful time of the year. Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer. I should be playing in the winter snow but I'ma be under the mistletoe."

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now