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Perfect Twenty-Eight

| Daniella Mason |

Maybe if it didn't still seem completely crazy to me I'd be jumping around the room in excitement and happiness -- yet it was completely the opposite. I definitely am ecstatic, yet the twisty, doubtful feeling of uncertainty fluttered deep within my tummy.

Not long after I had finished both of the Chanel and Vogue photoshoots did I receive a phone call from Grace; I had gotten both of the modelling jobs.

One of them was a photoshoot and interview for Vogue's February issue, where I'd also model the usual fashion part of the magazine. They said if this magazine sold well, they might ask me to model their fashion blogs -- both the web blogs and magazine blogs.

Chanel, in contrast to Vogue, asked me to model their new fragrance. It was completely insane, almost irrational. Of course I went to the photoshoots/short interviews wanting to be accepted but the fact I actually was, was just... Indescribable.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing, a special ringtone I had set for Grace. Immediately I slid the green button and hit speaker, too lazy to sit up in my current position -- laying in bed. "Graceeeee," I drag out the 'E' playfully, running a hand through my hair before pulling it up into a messy bun.

"Elllaaaaaa. Guess what?!" Her voice was full of excitement, obviously I got a big interview or deal or job or literally whatever in that range that made my manager so so happy. "What is it?" I ask, curious now.

"Victoria's Secret wants you as one of their models, maybe even one of their Angels! If this is so you'll be modelling the fantasy bra in their next fashion show!! That's never happened before, Dani! They have never immediately wanted someone to model that bra, especially someone who isn't even an angel yet! I'm so ecstatic oh my god!" She squeals, and I can hear the sincere excitement in her tone.

"You're kidding me! Holy shit that's amazing oh my this is just getting better and better!" I exclaim, screaming the last few words. "I need to tell the boys! Let me get Louis on this call." I say while typing in his number after she has softly murmured a quiet yet excited agreement, and I call him.

He picks up after two rings and both Grace and I squeal hard in the phone, as if on cue. "Calm down girls! Jeez I'm deaf now, and so is Jenna! What's going on?"

"I'M GOING TO MODEL FOR VS!!" I scream into the phone, and I hear the exasperated female gasp that belongs to my best friend's girlfriend. "No way!" Jenna exclaims, squealing.

"Oh great that means I'm going to have to walk through the mall and see my best friend in lingerie just what I wanted," Louis says sarcastically. "Louis come on!" Jenna exclaims, shortly after I hear his faint 'oww' and I'm guessing she punched his shoulder like she's done so many times before.

He chuckles softly, "Fine I am happy for you Dani but really what's Harry going to say?"

"He's not my boyfriend he doesn't have anything to with this." I say before I even realise what I've said and feel my tummy twist with nerves. "Not your boyfriend?!" I hear Grace from the other line and I bite my lip.

I sigh and I hear Louis and Jenna both take deep breaths. "I- uh it's a long story," I say after a long sentence. "Definitely a long story with a long line of tragic fights and explanations on how good Harry's dick feels inside of you," Louis mutters and I feel my breath catch.

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