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Perfect Twenty-Six

Fool For You

| Daniella Mason |

When I wake up the next morning, I didn't expect a warm pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I look down, noticing the anchor and padlock tattoo. My breath hitches when I suddenly realise that, as much as I didn't want to, I had to leave.

It takes me a few minutes to wriggle out of his grip, but eventually succeed and get up from the bed. I pull the sheets up over Harry's body, to reach his shoulder, before pressing a kiss to his temple.

After pulling on a pair of underwear, I throw on Harry's shirt and pull a suitcase out from the closet opposite my bed. A sigh escaped as I start taking out clothes, folding them and sorting them into the suitcase.

I then hear the sound of sheets rustling, quickly turning my head only to see Harry rolled onto his side instead of his back. A sigh of relief escapes from my lips without me even realising it while I continue to pack my suitcases, filling it with all the things that I own.

I don't want to go, I don't want to leave. But it's best, for Harry and I. I sigh again, zipping the second and last suitcase, putting my passport, keys, papers, tickets and some water in my hand bag. Then, I changed into a black, tight, long-sleeved crop top, a pair of black ripped jeans and my favourite pair of black and white Converse.

"Where are you going?" I hear a raspy, masculine morning voice from behind me and I turn to see Harry sitting up in bed, his tanned, inked chest in contrast with the pure white sheets. I sigh, "Harry... M-my contract's over."

A frown emerged on his angelic face, making me wish that this never had happened. "You never told me it wasn't a one year contract," He says, nipping his bottom lip. "But... You can still stay? You just don't have to be our nurse anymore."

I shake my head, "No... I uhm... I got asked for a modelling job for Guess in Los Angeles and I really want to do it. It's a dream of mine." I explain, trying my best not to explain the real reason.

Harry looks down, and I swear I notice a glint of tears in his eyes. I shake my head inwardly, Harry would never cry because of me. Ever. "Oh well... Why didn't you tell me before... Before this?" He asks, his tone of voice sounding shaky and compressed, as if he was keeping in a sob.

"I couldn't... It's better like this. I have to go Harry," I say while he stands up, pulling on a pair of black boxers before coming over to me. My eyes met the twin swallows on each side of his chest and my hands soon made contact with his toned, yet soft-skinned, stomach.

When I look up to meet his gaze, I notice there's an emotion hidden behind. I try to piece out what it is, but end up failing. "Bye..." He says, his voice soft and faint like the whisper of the wind in your hair on a silent night.

I nod, grabbing my suitcases after swinging my hand bag over my shoulder before heading out of the room. Tears immediately gathered in my eyes and streamed down my cheeks, causing me to run out of the apartment complex and into the black taxi waiting for me.


"It was a pleasure flying with you, and I hope you enjoy your stay in Los Angeles!" The high-pitched, overly excited stewardess exclaimed a few minutes before the plane hit the ground. Soon enough, I was walking out of the plane, hand bag on my arm, to collect my luggage.

Through out the flight I had released some tears, glad to have found out that the seat next to me was vacant. This simply I didn't have to hold in my tears, and I could cry freely.

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