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Perfect Twenty-Seven

Five Seconds
of Summer -

| Harry Styles |

Another hangover hit me as soon as I opened my eyes; my head pounding and the faint light almost blinding my eyes. God. Immediately my thoughts divert to the reason to this -- Daniella.

Fuck it. I've got myself in some deep shit. And drinking it away isn't going to help me out. With great willpower and trouble, I pull myself up from my bed and make my way to the bathroom.

Once there I get myself some Advil and swallow two of the pills. The sight and thought of pills makes a not-so-happy thought flash through. Sighing, I splash my face with water and run my wet fingers through my tangly, greasy hair.

Shower time... Stepping into it, I slide the glass door closed and turn the water on. I could care less about the temperature; my body simply felt numb.

I sound like I'm fucking in love with her! What's my god damn problem? Tears threatened to fall down as my shoulders hunched and a weak sob escaped my lips. I had gone through three years of hard work to build up my walls, and it seemed as if they were weak enough to be broken down by a girl. A simple, young girl.

Turning around, I slid the door back open and reached for the cabinet where I kept all of the necessities for the bathroom -- including razors.


My jumper clung to my chest as the cold, early January breeze passed. It's been harder and harder to cope, cope with being alive. There wasn't a point to my existence without someone to love, or someone who loved me.

"Harry, are you alright mate?" A voice comes from behind me and a hand is laid on my shoulder. "I'm fine," The response was so immediate no matter the fact that it was a lie. "You're lying," Louis states easily, coming over to look at me.

As soon as our eyes met I cast my gaze downwards, watching as a snowflake fell onto the black material of my shoe. "Harry, tell me the truth. It's better to talk about it than to bottle it up," Louis says, his tone worried and broken?

"Why should I, Lou? All I do is pass my worry onto another living soul. A soul who's happy. Why must I ruin the happiness of another when I can keep the sadness and anger buried deep inside of me; a human being with little to no point of existence." I say, tone sour and cold.

Louis shakes his head, "Harry, Jesus... Don't do this to yourself. Do you realise what a fool you're being? You need to talk. Because I've realised that you're hardly talking. I know you've relapsed and if you feel like nobody cares, you're so god damn wrong. Because everyone does, I do, the boys do, the fans do, even management does.

"Most importantly, Harry, did you ever realise that Daniella cares for you? How deep your words hurt her when you were mean? You never realised that she stayed with you and around you because she cared and she still does. Yes, you've hurt her, but you made it up to her by caring for her the way she cares for you."

Halfway through his speech, tears started streaming down my face and soon I felt two arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you Harry, no homo of course," He says, causing me to chuckle through my sobs.

"I love you too, Lou, no homo. Thank you," I squeeze him, his words helping with bandaging my wounds. "You're welcome, do you want to maybe go out to dinner with the lads, Jenna, Perrie and I tonight? Sophia can't come," He asks softly, pulling away from our hug.

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