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Perfect Twenty-Five

| Daniella Mason |

Harry sits on the couch, his abs exposed due to the tight white tee he's wearing and I realise I'm biting my lip. I see Jenna looking at me and smiling like a fool to herself, causing me to blush when I realise that I've been staring at Harry for the past five minutes.

Louis comes through with popcorn, a smirk on his face, "Who's up for a Harry Potter marathon?" Almost everyone raises their hands excitedly - including me. "Great," He flashes a brilliant smile before selecting 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' on Netflix.

He resumes his seat next to Jenna and cuddles into her. I awe at the adorable sight, before Niall wraps an arm around my shoulders. I smile up at him before paying attention to the starting movie.

We all watched the movie till it ended, Jenna getting up from her seat on Louis' lap to go get some snacks. My eyes travel from the screen to Harry, who's chin is on his right knee with his hair all over the place. I smirk softly, thinking of how messed up it always was when we were hav-

"Daniellaaaaaaa," Jenna sings from the kitchen and I groan, "Yes, Jens?" "Can you come over and help me, please?" She asks and I shrug, getting up and making my way to the kitchen. "I'm here, what do you need my help with?"

She smiles wide and points to the plastic, multi-coloured bowls on the kitchen island. "I'd like to have those filled up with snacks, the blue one will be for the paprika crisps, red for the ready-salted, yellow for pop corn and pink for all the sweets that are dumped in that glass thing over there," Jenna instructs, pointing to every snack pack/container (or the microwave in the case of the popcorn) with every food she names.

"Yes, mother," I say with a casual roll of my eyes, causing her to laugh. "You wish I was," Jenna shoots me a wink and I laugh again, "Uh huh in your dreams lady Tommo." "Oh shut up you!" She throws a straw at me which I dodge like an expert, smirking at her.

She rolls her eyes and claps her hands, "Get to work, slave!" I huff and stifle a giggle, "Yes ma'am." Before grabbing the two packets of paprika and ready-salted crisps, pouring each of them in the by-Jenna-instructed bowls. Then, I take the popcorn from the microwave and tear open the packet they popped in.

They pour out and into the yellow bowl while I spot Jenna grabbing three big bottles of Coke, Sprite and Fanta. I shake my head, knowing its for the boys. They aren't even boys for goodness' sake, they're monsters with a huge appetite in the body of handsome young men, I think with a soft giggle and a shake of my head.

When we finish with the snacks and drinks, Jenna grabs the bottles with glasses and heads to the living room. "I'll help you with that, love," I hear Louis' voice while I grab the bowls and take them. I bite my lip, somewhere in the back of my head hoping that Harry would do the same, but no such luck.

Frowning inwardly, I rest the bowls on the coffee table in front of the couches and the tv. Someone's hand reaches out to help, but to my disappointment it isn't Harry. "Be careful Dani, we don't want Daddy Liam mad because there's popcorn all over the carpet," Zayn chuckles, aiding by taking the shaking bowl of popcorn from me.

Blushing, I nod, "Yeah, oops." He smiles and shakes his head, "It's okay don't apologise for something that every human does." I nod again, going to resume my seat next to Niall, on the floor. I feel a strange aching in my chest, the feeling that I would get whenever I'd be around my ex. My eyes widen, biting on my lip as I get up in a rushed manner.

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