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Perfect Twenty

| Harry Styles |

"YOU WHAT?!" A loud screech blasts through my ears when I'm literally forced to sit down on Louis' couch "-Are you really fücking telling me you and Dani had sex last night?!"

I bite my lip, looking away with a guilty look on my face. "Fucking great, just what we needed," Louis mutters under his breath, walking over to me. "Did you hurt her?" He snaps, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look into his eyes, so he could tell if I'm lying or not.

"Not that I know of," I reply softly, my body shaking.

I shouldn't have come to Louis. Nope. Should've gone to Zayn. Or Niall, wait, no not Niall. Snitch alert. Liam maybe?! No. Never. Thankfully Dani wasn't around to hear this, because obviously she would cut off this 'little secret' thing.

Louis lets go of my chin again, but continue glaring daggers at me. "Seriously Louis what's the problem?" I ask rhetorically. Shiiiit I keep making mistakes.

"What's the problem?! Goodness, Harry, don't you understand, that if Management, and the media find out about your and Dani's little adventure she's going to get fired?! Fucking hell! Why can't you keep your dïck in your pants for fuck's sake?" He snaps, his eyes a sort of blue hurricane, obviously expressing his anger at me.

I sigh, "Lou, it wasn't all me. She wanted it too! Why are you blaming everything on me just because she went to my hotel room and I didn't go to hers?! Come on, Louis!" Louis huffs and sits back down in front of me, on the edge of the glass table that's placed in front of the couch.

"I know, Harry, but still. If she gets fired I won't ever talk to you again. This job means the world to her because finally she's away from her mum!" Louis says, his hands clasped together in between both of his knees.

I frown, "Away from her mum?" I ask, completely confused. "Yes, Harry, her mum's a b*tch. She's the reason Dani is so insecure and that she doesn't have a boyfriend or like, any friends. Except for Sarah, I guess." Louis explains to me and I nod, though I notice my eyebrows are still crossed in a frown.

"Okay, look you can continue this under three agreements," Louis says tapping his knee and I nod for him to continue, "One; always use protection. Two; don't ever get her pregnant. Three; keep these matters away from the public especially the media."

I nod, "Okay Lou. I promise I'll keep her away from all the dangers that the media is capable of from now on." I rub my eyes and lay back as my mind wanders back to how I came to sit here, with Louis.

I get up and prepare myself for the day while Dani grabs a hoodie of mine and pulls it on. I grab my car keys and help her tuck her hair behind her hood so no-one could possibly suspect it was her.

Though without making breath-taking eye contact with her beautiful, light green orbs. I try to shift my concentration from her; I couldn't possibly keep staring at her the whole day long since we had to go to Louis and Jenna's.

I wrap an arm around her petite waist and lead her to my black Range Rover,  the both of us succeeding in staying out of the paparazzi's cameras. Being a gentleman, I open the door for her and help her in before jogging over to the driver's side of the jeep.

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now