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Perfect Thirty-Two

Ed Sheeran -
Lego House

| Harry Styles |

"She said yes, Harry! We're getting married!" Louis' enthusiastic voice echoes through the room as soon as I answer his Skype call. "That's amazing, Lou! Wow." I smile wide, delighted at the news even though I knew she would accept his proposal.

His face appears and he nods excitedly, "Yeah. Gosh I can't believe it." I laugh and stretch my arms above my head, "Really, Lou? You've been planning this proposal and now you can't believe you're getting married?" He blushes and nods, "Uh... Yeah I guess so?"

I laugh and pull my knees up against my chest, resting my feet on the edge of the chair. "Mhmm, so... How was last night?" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly and he blushes even harder, looking away. "It was fine."

"Fine? I thought engagement was to be celebrated hard." I smile at his expression, biting back another laugh. He sighs and leans back, "Alright, alright. We did it hard, yes. Happy now it do you need to know all of the details?" Louis asks rhetorically, it being his turn to laugh now as I go red, shaking my head.

He chuckles before he turns serious, "Harry." He says, making me look up at him and causing my insides to churn. "Yes?" I reply, biting my lip hard. "We're inviting Daniella, of course. I mean, I couldn't do that to her, you know, not inviting her and all. But I don't want you to think that--" He says, but I cut him off. "It's fine."

"What?" He asks, surprised at my reply. "It's fine, Lou, really. I get it. Go ahead and invite her, it's no big deal." It is a big deal. "Wow. Okay, thank you, Harry." A smile spreads across his face and he quickly grabs his phone before typing away.

I bite my lip, playing with my thumbs as I stare at the blank wall behind the laptop. "Okay great, that's done. Shall we look for a tux maybe next Wednesday? I've got a venue already booked. The place at my friend's, you know? He's got a huge garden and some bungalows at the back for the close friends to sleep in since it's quite far away." Louis smiles, resting his chin on both the palms of his hands with his elbows resting on the table in front of his laptop.

I laugh, "Sure we can. That sounds great, I know the place you're talking about." He nods, smiling, "I'm so excited, honestly. Have you been writing songs, for the new album?"

"Oh yeah. I have some drafts here and there but nothing complete. I've got this one called 'Fool's Gold' though. I kind of like it." I smile a little, blushing lightly. "It sounds good just by the title." Louis laughs, nodding.

I hear the noise of a door opening and Louis turns, smiling before shifting back, "Hey, I need to go. Jenna's out of the shower and we're going touring around Paris before we fly back tomorrow." I nod and smile, "Okay have a nice day, bye."

"See ya. Say hi to the boys for me!" He says before ending the call and I sit back, sighing as I mutter under my breath, "Will do." I get up from my seat and grab my coat, pulling it on before grabbing my phone and a pair of headphones. After slipping the latter onto my head, I put 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran on repeat.

As soon as the guitar strums fill my ears my heart flutters with warmth, before I walk out of the door I turn up the volume a little bit, wanting to be completely alone for a few of those unique moments in my life. After making my way out of the apartment complex I pull up my hood and push my hands into my pockets as I start to just walk.

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now