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Perfect Eighteen

WARNING: Please, if sex is not your thing. I suggest you skip this chapter to keep your innocence.

| Daniella Mason |

I gasp in surprise when the set of lips slam against mine. I know I should probably pull away, but something inside of me is urging me to kiss back.

So, I do.

My forehead rests against the guy's, my eyes opening slightly to see the light of the fireworks flash over his face. I notice a pair of forest green eyes, a cheeky smile set on his face with dimples digging into his cheeks.

I smile, holding his cheeks before we kiss again, this time his hands are set on my hips to pull me closer into him. I love the body-to-body contact, lighting a fire inside of me that I never knew could burn so... Bright.

Instinctively, my hands move to brush and tangle into his luscious, dark brown curls while my lips devour his. He pulls away for a second, before latching our lips together so he's sucking my bottom lip in his mouth.

Harry growls lowly, his chest rumbling against mine before he sinks his teeth into my lip and drags it towards him. A moan escapes my lips, his hands sliding towards my lower back to keep me where I am, to secure that I won't pull away.

I think that's the last thing I want to do at the moment.

The small space between us is completely destroyed when Harry's hands trail down to my bum and squeeze, pushing me into his body. Another moan is released, but this time from him and I realise I ground my hips right against his.

Soft tingles form there at the thought and I pull away from the kiss. Harry looks into my eyes, his eyes darker than the dense Amazon forest, clouded with lust. Grunting, he pulls me towards the door, making it clear that he wants to get away.

Right now.

Soon enough he's pulling me down the stairs and into his black Range Rover, his blazer thrown off and into the back before he hurriedly starts the ignition.

"Harry aren't we supposed to say bye to the g-" I ask, but he cuts me off. "No, not tonight. Let's just go," He says, a hint of slurring in his voice and I realise that even my own vision is slightly blurry and a little doubled.

I sigh but agree, looking out of the window while he speeds off to what I think is his hotel, where the boys and him are staying because, well, let's just say Jenna is staying over at Louis' and that's a bit too much... Noise.

The car door opens, snapping me out of my thoughts and I clumsily jump out, stumbling into Harry's arms. He chuckles and kisses my lips quickly before he closes the door behind me, locking the car right after and pulling me inside.

When in the elevator, our lips meet in a drunken kiss and his hands hold my hips to the wall. His lips trail down my neck to leave hot, wet kisses that have my stomach tightening and relaxing every time he presses them there and pulls them away.

He digs his fingers into my thighs, signing me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. When I do, his hands grip my hips while mine tangle into his curls. Fuck, I think, I never thought this would actually happen. Someone pinch me.

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