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Perfect Twenty-Nine

| Louis Tomlinson |

Today was the day. Well, not the day, but a pretty important day that could lead to that day. God, what am I rambling about? I think to myself as I look in the mirror, styling my hair.

Already wearing my favourite pair of black fitted jeans, I pull a grey polo tee over my head, buttoning up before throwing a black blazer over it. Alright Louis, you can do this. I let out a brief sigh before slipping my black VANS on.

One last look in the mirror and then I'm turning around, grabbing my keys from the nightstand

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One last look in the mirror and then I'm turning around, grabbing my keys from the nightstand. Thank goodness Sophia and Perrie helped me out by taking Jenna out for breakfast, a spa visit and a shopping trip and lunch. Oh, thou mighty women.

I laugh at my Shakespearean language while making my way down the stairs.

Everything was planned out, all I needed was a blessing from both her parents. I'm trying to be traditional here. Without a blessing it would feel like I'm illegally marrying Jenna.

I just hope they agree. With that thought, I hop in the car and turn the ignition, bringing my Porsche to life. After tuning the radio to a pretty okay channel, I back out of the drive way and make my way to David and Lisa's house.

On the way there I stop by Starbucks and get my usual coffee with a muffin which I eat on my way to the car. I get into the car after throwing away the wrapper and put the coffee in the specially made drink-holder compartment. Or whatever it's called.

Starting the car again, I resume my journey to David and Lisa. After about halfway from the gas station to their house I start to feel the nervous butterflies flutter around in my stomach. Keep calm Louis, you can do this, I tell myself to try and lessen the nerves.

Soon enough the white house with brown shutters and a big surrounding front- and backyard comes into view. A smile spreads across my face unintentionally, the thoughts striking about what I would be able to achieve today.

I laugh a bit at myself, feeling silly. Pulling up on their driveway, I turn the car off and check the pockets of my blazer to check if the box was still present. Thankfully, it was.

Once grabbing my keys, I get out of the car and close the door. I arrive at the door in less than a minute, locking my car with the automatic key and then ringing the bell. My wait isn't too long, soon enough a bright-faced Lisa opens the door.

"Louis! What do we owe the pleasure of a visit?" She smiles, opening the door wider to signal me to come in. "Just thought I'd stop by, I'd like to ask you and David something." I explain, blushing a little as I step inside

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