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Perfect Twenty-Three

| Louis Tomlinson |

Shit... What do I wear? I mean... I need to look okay, right? I've met Jenna's dad before... But not her mum. God dammit. Ughhhh... My thoughts, I realise, are all over the place as I slowly sit up on the edge of my bed. I hear the shower running; a sign that Jenna has woken up before me.

I smile, raising my arms above my head to stretch. In a matter of seconds Jenna appears in the doorway of the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around her body. Grinning, I get up and make my way to her.

"Morning Lou," She smiles and pecks my lips, still holding onto the towel. I chuckle and press my lips to hers for an actual kiss. Jenna blushes and slips her hand past my cheek to tangle in the side of my hair.

Slipping my hands around her waist, I pull her closer to me and lick her bottom lip. She giggles and pushes me away, "Not right now, Lou."

I pout a bit but replace it with a smile and press a last kiss on her lips before making my way into the bathroom. Once there, I strip and slip into the shower, humming a song while washing and rinsing my hair and body.

"Louis! What're you wearing?" Jenna asks from the bedroom, her reflection visible in the mirror across from the open door.

I think for a little, "Doesn't matter, babe! Just choose something out for me." Smiling, I think of the many times Jenna had already chosen out my outfits, and somehow they seemed to always fit the occasion. Maybe there's a fashion designer deep within her, I grin and get out, wrapping a towel around my waist.

After drying myself and brushing my teeth, I walk back to the bedroom to find Jenna already dressed, bent over in front of the mirror to do her makeup. I chuckle, smirking lightly while pulling a pair of boxers over my legs.

"Lou, can you hand me my brush please?" Jenna asks, her hand still brushing the I-have-no-idea-but-it-looks-like-a-brush object over her lashes. Not eyeliner... Uhmmmmm mascara, right? Ugh girls. I smile and nod, handing it to her.

"Thanks," She smiles softly before running it through her hair. I quickly pull on the grey jumper and black jeans that Jenna had laid out for me. I pair the clothes with a pair of white TOMS before going to brush my teeth.

"Louis, do you want breakfast at home or on the road?" Jenna asks, running her hands through her hair while standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

I shrug, my back to her even though I can watch her every move through the window, "I don't mind, you can choose, baby."

She nods, coming over to wrap her arms around my waist from behind. "I love you," I whisper, turning around to wrap my arms around her waist and a blush spreads to her cheeks. "I love you," Jenna whispers back and I lean down to press my lips to hers.

She smiles and tangles her fingers in my hair, kissing me softly. Smirking, I squeeze her bum a bit causing her to squeal and pull away. "Louis!" Jenna laughs and slaps my bicep playfully, rolling her eyes in the same manner.

I laugh and wrap my arm around her waist, leading her out of our room. We say bye to Dani, Liam, Niall and Zayn but Harry is no where to be found, yet. Probably still asleep. When we reach the front door, I hold it open for her before following her outside.

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