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Perfect Twelve

| Daniella Mason |

- Recap

"So, what now?" Harry smirks, leaning with his back against the door.


I bite my lip, looking him up and down when I remember how luscious his lips looked back in the elevator. Rolling my eyes at myself, I look into Harry's eyes and say, "Bed time."

"Bed time? Seriously?" He laughs but notices that I'm being serious and stops laughing, "Oh. Bed time. Okay."

I nod, turning around to make my way to my room but I am stopped by Harry coming up behind me and whispering "Good night" in my ear.

My cheeks flush and I quickly run to my room after muttering it back. Shutting the door, I do my usual evening routine and get into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.


The next morning, I am awaken by the sun shining into my eyes. Shit, forgot to close the curtains, I think while groaning. I swing my legs off the side of the bed with a sigh, pulling on a pink tank top and grey sweats as soon as I stand up.

I make my way to the kitchen but stop at the door, hearing Harry frustratedly yell at someone, "No! I do not like Daniella! Louis took the photo how would I know that that man had another one saved!"

My heart sinks and I look down, a visible frown on my face. "Okay, fine, I'll make up a story for it. And yes, I'll do it right and not be a terrible liar," Harry says to whoever he's talking to on the phone, which I had figured by no one talking back when he yelled.

Hearing a click, I decide to enter and as soon as I open the door I see Harry fuming, his hair a mess and his eyes red. Has he been crying? I frown, but shake the thought away because I knew that Harry couldn't cry over me. He just couldn't.

"Morning Ha-" I get cut off with a harsh push, and I'm knocked out of the door way by him. With tears threatening to spill, I close the door behind him and make my way to the sink where I splash my face with water.

Looking into the fridge, I find it empty. "Ugh," I mutter while I grab the grocery bag. I really don't feel like grocery shopping, but I guess if I must... I sigh and walk out of the kitchen, finding Harry on the couch.

"Harry I'm going to go grocery shopping," I say softly hoping dearly that I won't trigger his anger. "Okay," He replies curtly.

I walk out of the door, once in the elevator making the decision to just take my time as not to disturb him even more than I already am.


When I finally get into the elevator, my feet were aching, being gone for around an hour. I met Sarah at Starbucks for a chat, apologising to her for what had happened yesterday. Then, I had gone shopping and made sure I had a whole meal planned out for Harry and I. Just to try and cheer him up.

When the elevator doors open, I search for my keys but then decide to just leave it seeing Harry is at home. Once in front of the apartment door, I knock on it to signal that I'm back.

No answer.

I knock again, but still no answer. I groan and look for my keys, finding them before unlocking the door. Walking in, nothing seems suspicious while I put the bag down in the kitchen and start unpacking.

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