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Perfect Five

[A/N:] ɛŋʝơ ąცɛʂ ҳ :)

CookieMonster2704 helped me out with this chapter <3 love yaaa !!!

| Harry Styles |

"Oh my God Harry.. you have a boner!" Louis bursts out laughing while pointing to the bulge in my jeans. How did I not even notice it was there? I groan mentally while grabbing a pillow and resting it on my lap, but it's too late.

"Harry Edward Styles! What the hell did you dream if it got you a boner?" Liam laughs loudly, covering his face in a pillow to not disturb anyone's - talking about Nibear here - beauty sleep. "Thanks a lot, Louis," I groan sarcastically.

"Anytime, mate," he smirks and I groan, looking in the corner of my eye to see Daniella completely ignoring the situation. I wish she could notice me, I think, wait what?! Dude get over it.

I turn to look at the boys, "Guys can you get out?" I ask them and they grumble, not wanting to but I give them a raise of my eyebrows and they're gone. I turn around to look at Dani, but she's gone.

I take the pillow off of my lap, biting the inside of my cheek when I realise my boner only got more prominent. I groan and get up to leave the living room, making my way to my bed room.


After a cold shower, I head back into the living room only to see Louis and Dani cuddling, watching something tv. Well Harry they aren't actually cuddling, Louis' just got his arm around her shoulder. My subconsciousness interrupts, and I roll my eyes.

How can I feel jealous just because Dani is cuddl- HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY CUDDLING? It interrupts again and I groan, I feel like I'm battling you or something, but I was about to say something so can you shut the fuck up?

Anyway, as I was thinking, How can I feel jealous just because Dani is cuddling Louis, who's obviously her best friend? I make my way to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and taking a bite of it. Maybe because you have a crush on her, duh?

I forbid you to speak, I think, throwing my finished apple into the dustbin and making my way back to the living room, where I see all of the other boys. "Hey Harry!" Louis smiles, looking up from texting his girlfriend, Jenna.

"How's Jenna goin' Lou?" I ask, sitting on the couch. "Great, she misses me though," Louis' face lights up and all of us laugh at him, Niall and Zayn wiggling their eyebrows. "Guys, who would like to go out for dinner tonight?" Dani asks, giving Niall and Zayn a scolding glare.

"Me!" A few hands shoot up in the air and I chuckle quietly at them while raising mine. "Okay then let's go get ready, it's nearly dinner time anyway and well, dress formally!" Dani commands before raising her hands, indicating all of us to get up.

"Louis sorry but you have to get ready," Dani says in a sort-of-sympathetic voice to Louis, who didn't even hear her ask us to get ready. "Oh yeah sure," Louis says getting up and putting his phone in his pocket.

"Alright then, I'm going to get ready too." Dani says before heading off to her room. We all head to our rooms too, and once I arrive there I quickly look through my closet for something formal. I grab a red checkered shirt, black skinny jeans and brown boots and pull them on.

I style my hair before going out, meeting Louis, Liam and Niall in the living room, all dressed. "Hey mate, you look nice." Louis smiles, and Liam agrees.

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now