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Perfect Nine

| Daniella Mason |

I completely hated interviews, especially if they were with the other guys. Not because of them, but because of Harry. Thank goodness, though, I had the chance to always sit next to Louis or Zayn, so I was fine.

But, sometimes they'd tell you where to sit and for some reason I always had to sit next to Harry. It wasn't really that bad of a place, but when you feel your crush's warmth radiating into you, I think everyone would blush like crazy.

And of course I wasn't supposed to blow my cover.

I decide to just let it go, to worry about it later and start dinner for Harry and I. I wasn't sure on what to make, but decided on a simple bacon, brie and cranberry panini, seeing we had a heavy lunch with the guys.

Quickly getting dressed, I make my way into the kitchen where I find Harry eating an apple. He raises an eyebrow at me, probably surprised I'm wearing one of the outfits he had bought for me when we went to the mall.

"Nice clothes," He winks, laughing when I retort, "Got from the best."

"You think I'm the best?" He chuckles, and I bite the inside of my cheek, my laugh fading into a nervous giggle, "Yeah, in fashion styling.. And stuff."

"Stuff alright," he winks, making me blush scarlet while pushing him out of the way to get the ingredients for the panini's. "What you making?" He asks, throwing away the finished apple as I shrug, "Bacon, brie  and cranberry panini's."

"Sounds good," he smiles and goes to sit at the dinner table, opening up his laptop. He starts typing, and I turn to start on preparing the panini's while humming Better Than Words, it being the first song coming to mind.

Finishing up, I put the panini's in the iron and turn to rest my hands on the island in the middle of the kitchen, where the sink is. I wash my hands and grab two plates.

"Haz, dinner's almost ready," I tell him, but he doesn't reply as he's too deep in whatever he's doing. My phone beeps and I pull it out, unlocking it to see Harry's new tweet.


Can't wait for the interview tomorrow! The boys and I have some news for you guys xx -H

I favourite and retweet it, then put it back in the pocket of my shorts while taking the panini's out of the iron and putting them on the plates.

Harry comes over and helps me cut them into three parts, smiling at me before taking a swipe of the cranberry jam that's running out of a piece and smearing it over my cheek.

I groan, "Harryyy." While taking a tissue and going to wipe it off, but he's faster and his lips meet my cheek, sucking the jam off, "Tastes good."

He winks at me while picking up his plate and making his way to the couch as I do the same, blushing a bright shade of red. Even though he sucked off the cranberry jam, I wipe his saliva and a little bit of jam off with the palm of my hand.

"Bon appetite," Harry smiles and picks up the first part of his panini, biting into it. I do too, taking a bite and chewing on it as I watch Harry try to suppress a moan.

Laughing, I take a sip from my drink, only to watch Harry swallow the bite and lean back in his chair, raising the piece he has in his hand, "This is seriously good."

His compliment makes me blush, it being the first time he's acknowledged my cooking skill ( which to my impression isn't that great, but oh well ). "Thanks," I smile shyly before taking another bite of the panini as Harry does too.

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