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Perfect Nineteen

| Daniella Mason |

My eyes open to a ray of sun light shining through the thin curtain. I realise that it's not my hotel room and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. What? Where am I? I ask myself, before wriggle around only to notice that I'm wrapped in a tight, warm embrace.

Shit, I hope it's not Carl. I cringe at the thought but I look down to see toned, inked arms. Oh... My... Goodness... My mouth forms an 'o' shape, completely speechless.

A boat on his upper arm, with a black heart next to it and down the popular 'Things I Can't'. His hand twitches, showing the small cross in between his thumb and index. His arm is tightly wrapped around my waist, his face nuzzled in the back of my neck with his chocolate curls tickling my shoulder blades.

My brain whirled in confusion and pain, a hangover and the too-much-thinking causing my head to pound excessively. I'm in Harry Styles' arms, cuddling, I gulp.

A soft breath of air hits my neck and his chest moves against mine, relaxing me with the soothing rhythm of his breathing. It somehow calms down my spinning, pulsing head and I relax, cuddling into him.

After a few minutes of calm breathing filling the air, a soft grunt is heard and my body freezes to the rumble I feel against my back. "Mhm..." Harry hums, his grip loosening a tad.

I'm still confused, how did I end up with Harry in bed? Just then, he seems to open his eyes because a gasp leaves his mouth. "D-Daniella?" He stammers, and I turn to see him wide-eyes with messy hair. Was I the one who caused that or does he wake up with that messy hair everyday?

"Harry I... I don't know what happened," I mumble while looking into those forest green eyes. "M-Me Neith... Oh," He says, biting his lip. I gulp, going to get up from his grip and from the warm comfort of the bed, but he pulls me down.

"Stay," He whispers to me, in a tone I had never heard from him before. "Are you sure? Because I can just call a cab and..." I mumble, trying to avoid his intense gaze. He lifts my chin, burning his forest green eyes into my lighter ones, before a small smile catches upon his lips.

"Yes, yes I'm sure. You don't have to go, Daniella," His rosy lips move with every word he says, before he leans down to press a kiss to my forehead. A blush extends to my cheeks, his hands on my waist while he continues to peck all over my face.

On instinct, I nuzzle into him, wrapping my legs back around his waist. Only to remember we're both naked, and memories of last night flood into my brain almost instantly. Harry kisses from my jaw to my neck, his lips bringing goosebumps to surface and leaving wet spots almost everywhere on my neck.

"Mhmm," Harry hums against my collar bone, before pulling away with even messier hair than a few seconds before. The sun shines through the curtains even brighter, my eyebrows furrowing at the bright light.

Harry grunts while he rolls onto his back, throwing his lower arm over his eyes. "What time is it?" He asks with his eyes shut. "Let me check," I say softly before turning to reach for his phone. Not like I know the pass, just that it's easy to read the time on a phone.

10:46 A.M

"It's past quarter to eleven," I inform, throwing the sheets from my body to get up from the bed. "Ugh," He sighs, turning again to lay on his side, his cheek propped up on his elbow.

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