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Perfect Eleven

| Harry Styles |

"Well... Nando's it is then!" Liam claps his hands together, breaking the awkward tension we were all filled up with. "Yeahhhh...." I trail off, quickly bending over to pull on my converse.

I turn around, making eye contact with Sarah. She had long, wavy brown hair that stopped half way her back and big Bami-like brown eyes. She was hot, for sure, but she didn't seem like my type.

"Okay well Sarah, this is Louis," Daniella starts introducing her to the boys. Sarah shakes each of their hands before Dani turns to me, "And this is Harry."

"Pleasure to meet you, Sarah," I smile, shaking her hand. Sarah and Dani give each other a look, making me frown in confusion and pull my hand away. I roll my eyes and walk towards Louis, getting to the car and taking the car keys from him.

He looks at me with raised eyebrows, "You're gonna drive?" And I nod in reply, "Yeah anything wrong with that?"

"No, not at all," Louis says while I get in the driver's seat and turn the radio on. Once in, 'Stereo Hearts' by Gym Class Heroes and Adam Levine comes on once Zayn turns the radio on.

I smile, drumming on the steering wheel just after I start the ignition, waiting for everyone to get in. When they do, I turn out of the driveway and drive to Nando's, completely ignoring the conversation behind me and just focusing on the road and the music.

Arriving a little later, everyone almost immediately jumps out of the car and runs to Nando's. Shaking my head, I laugh and get out. Zayn comes up to me with an amused grin on his face, "Lads are already ordering. They seem to not have eaten for a while."

"They ate three hours ago or something," I say in disbelief, almost face palming. "Okay okay now come on in and join," Zayn laughs pulling me inside and I nearly stumble over the door step at his speed and strength.

I roll my eyes and walk up to the booth, slipping in next to Louis and opposite of Sarah. Sending a smile her way, the waiter comes to collect our orders.

We order our food and drinks, everyone consuming themselves in conversation and I notice Daniella looking out of the window. I wonder if she's imagining us body to body... I think, my mind wandering off to a different world where it would be possible, to have her body on me.

I groan, my hands in between my knees, warming them up due to the -4 C air the god damn window let in. What would it be like, spending a cold winter night with Dani on the couch, sipping on some hot chocolate in front of the fireplace. That might just turn into steamy sex... I grunt, rubbing my nearly frozen face with my warm hands.

"Harry are you okay?" Sarah asks, looking at me. "Yeah, yeah am fine. Just stressed," I lie, well, it's kind of speaking the truth, too. "Oh, 'm sorry. Don't be though, let's enjoy the-" She starts, seeing the waiter coming with our food in the corner of her eye, "-Food!"

I chuckle at her as the waiter hands us our food and drinks. Silence falls upon us as we eat, though I notice Dani's eyes keep on shifting from me to her food and back to me.

Licking my lips, I finish my food and take a sip of my water before Louis turns to me, asking, " Let's do this Styles"

I look at him, immediately getting what he means. Swallowing the amount of water I had in my mouth, I count, "On three. One, two, three," before we both take a sip and cross our arms, looking at each other intently.

Perfect ❈ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now