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Perfect Ten

| Harry Styles |

Daniella looks into my eyes, making my heart pound in my chest as I lick my lips, almost ready to attack hers mercilessly. Her hands let go off the window sill, running down to grasp my neck as her breathing becomes shallow.

We're interrupted by the car stopping, making me push her off and I quickly sit up, ruffling my hair and getting up to climb out of the car. Daniella emerges a few minutes later, stumbling into Liam's arms who chuckles and helps her stay upright.

I sigh, feeling guilt spread in my chest, wishing I hadn't pushed her off that roughly. You could've even hurt her! I scold myself, running my hand through my hair again.

"Time to go in, boys, and Daniella," Liam smiles, pulling Daniella in with him and whispering something in her ear as if trying to calm her down. Louis wraps an arm around my shoulder, "What's wrong Harry?"

"Nothing, nothing," I say while we enter the building. The guilt never leaves my chest, even when we sit down after the interviewer calls us. What makes it even worse is that I have to sit next to her, causing my heart to pound so hard in my chest I'm surprised the interviewer can't hear.

"Hello boys!" He greets, smiling at us before looking at Daniella, "And Daniella of course."

She cracks a small smile making me wish I could've made her smile like that. I try scooting away from her, but fail knowing I couldn't possibly show anyone how awkward it was to sit next to her.

So, instead, I rest my hand on her knee, hoping dearly she wouldn't shrug it off.

"So, boys, any news that we weren't able to catch up?" The man, who I think the name of is William, asks. We all look at Liam, waiting for him to say something.

He chuckles, nodding before saying, "There is some news, indeed."

"What is that news, Liam?" William asks, looking as if he'd be bouncing in his seat if weren't the one interviewing us. "Well, Harry why don't you say?" Liam suggests and I nod, shrugging.

"We have a new album coming out in a month or two," I grin, sliding my hand a little higher up Daniella's knee. "Oh really? That is awesome news! Are you allowed to tell us the name yet?" William asks curiously.

"Oh yes, the album is called Midnight Memories," Zayn says, nudging me with my elbow. I look at him, acting confused, but unable to hide the small smirk.

William grins, "We'll be watching out for it, now let's start with some questions we picked out for you."

We all nod in reply, looking at each other for a second before Daniella leans forward to grab her glass of water, exposing a small fraction of her lower back. I squeeze her thigh, resulting in her almost dropping her glass.

While Willam is arranging the question papers, Louis nudges me in the ribs. "What's up?" I ask him in a low tone and he glares at me, "Stop trying to make things worse for Dani."

I raise an eyebrow, pulling my hand off of her thigh and resting both of them on my own.

"Okay, the first one is for Harry," William smiles, looking at me and I nod, looking at him as I wait for my question.

"Is there any lady at the moment that you're interested in?" He asks, looking straight at me. I shake my head, feeling Daniella freeze next to me, "No, not at the moment."

William nods, smiling and then turning to Daniella, "Who's that special guy you were talking about in your first interview?"

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