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Perfect Seventeen

| Daniella Mason |

Getting ready for the New Year's Eve party over in Doncaster, at Louis' house, wasn't that easy. I had no clue what to wear, even though Jenna was here to help me.

Sarah, too, would be coming later, but only to meet up with us and go to Louis'. To be completely honest, I'm scared as hell. What if something happened, right?

I should stop fooling myself... I think it's obvious that Harry's the reason. I'm scared that he'll find someone else who looks way better than me.

Sighing, I zip my red, sparkling one-shoulder dress up and turn to check my make up. Jenna had pinned my hair up, making it look extremely fancy and elegant. I never really pinned my hair up, just because I love my hair down and it's never hot enough to put it up, and then I'd just make a ponytail.

"Dani! We're about to go!" Jenna calls for me, appearing in the doorway in her silver v-neck dress. "Yeah just give me a second," I say while slipping my heels on.

She nods and disappears before I join her downstairs. "Sarah will be here in two minutes and Louis' going to pick us up," Jenna grins, blushing slightly.

I laugh and nudge her, "No car sex please, or at least keep your hands off of him. Don't want to get into an accident because of a hand job."

"Oh come on Dani you know I wouldn't do that," Jenna exclaims, her face going redder than before. I laugh more before the doorbell rings and I go to open it, seeing Sarah wearing a white silk-like shirt with a high waisted skirt.

She hugs me tight, smiling wide, "Hi Dani!"

"Hey Sarah s'up?" I ask, opening the door wider for her to be able to come in. "Meh," She shrugs while she walks in.

I nod, smiling while Jenna comes to us with her purse in hand. "Louis' here in... Three, two, on-" A loud beep is heard and I face palm, laughing.

Louis steps out of the car, his hair styled perfectly and a white shirt clinging to his chest, showing off the obvious abs underneath the thin material. "Lou!" Jenna runs to him, hugging him tight.

Chuckling, he wraps an arm around her and lifts her chin to press a sweet kiss to her lips, "Nice to see you too, baby." Jenna blushes, her hands on his chest and I'm guessing, guessing I repeat, that she can feel his abs.

The reason I love being Louis' best friend is I will never be judged for talking about his abs or even his fücking dįck. Which sadly I know a lot about thanks to Jenna.

"Dani? Sarah? You coming?" Louis calls when he pulls his lips away from Jenna's and we nod, slipping in to the backseat. He gets back in the car, turning the radio on and Jenna sits in the passengers seat.

"Louis?" I ask, rubbing my neck. "Yes, Ella?" He replies, and I roll my eyes. "Why does it not feel like it's about to be a new year? Oh and yeah is Harry going to be there already or?" I question, biting my lip.

"Yes, he will. And I don't know about that, love. It's probably not going to feel like that till you see the fireworks," Louis smiles while starting the ignition. "Alright," I nod, leaning back after buckling up.

Louis chuckles and turns to me, "Remember to have fun tonight, okay?"


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