My Suprise

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Loved You First (Part 4)

(Louis POV)

I was getting her punch like she asked me to then I had this like queazy feeling in my stomach telling me something was wrong that's when I heard her scream. I dropped the cup my legs and arms pushed through the crowd my eyes and ears searched frantically for her all there was were halls and darkness. I herd her scream again then heard a guy yell her to shut up her muffled screams were just down the hall. I ran in and there was Blake on top of her he had her pinned down to the bed, I knew what he was trying to do to her. I felt my face get red I ran towards him grabbed his shoulders and threw him against the wall, he hit the back of his head I heard a thump that was pretty loud, he was knocked out. Ashely was running towards me tears streaming down her cheeks. She was thanking me but I couldn't hear anything she said all I could hear was the roaring in my ears and my own pulse. I eventually calmed down and walked her home. I didn't say anything to and from her house. Walking home it was quiet I tried to digest what I just did and what just happened the peace and quiet helped me a lot. Then the sound of boots were heard behind me.Then a wet cloth covered my mouth....


(Louis POV)

I swatted the cloth away from my mouth I turned around and there was Blake staring back at me the death glare in his eyes. I stood up still a little shaky from the cloth. His fist met my jaw with a loud crack. I fell to the ground it was cold and hard. (see what I did there) he kicked the air right out of my lungs he pinned me down. I punched him in the face his lip started to bleed. He came back at me but I dodged it. What ever was in the cloth was really starting to get to me, everything started to get blurry me arms and legs felt numb. Every blow Blake hit me with was more and more severe. I started to cough up blood. "STOP BLAKE YOU'LL KILL HIM!!!!" a girl screams she pulls Blake away from me I can see her faintly she had long brown hair but that's all I could make of her until I passed out.


Hope you guys liked it!!!!!! Please comment I want more people to read my book I haven't gotten too far only 2 people reading :( but I hope more will come soon :)

Question Time

1) Who's your best friend?

2) Your dream Celebrity you want to meet.

3) What Song is in your head right now?

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