Loved You First (Part 18)

(Ashley's POV)

It's been 1 month that me and Louis have been dating nothing happening really, the cuts on Louis healed but leaving a small scar on his stomach.

I was just hanging out with Dominique today doing best friend stuff. We had the time of our lives. I was walking home I felt like someone was following me eyes watching me. Feet stalking me quickly...quietly. When I turned there was this guy with a hat that covered his face and a long black jacket. He was standing under the street light. He took out what looked like a phone and checked the time. I continued walking when I still felt like someone was stalking me I turned around and there was that guy again his eyes dark and mysterious watching my every move searching for my weaknesses but instead of standing there this time he was walking towards me...


(Jessica's POV )

The phone read "From: Z" my mind searched for a name but couldn't come up with anything. I decided to sleep on it. The next morning Uggh I hate mornings I like night better. At night you can get into a pretty good fight and throw some punches. My day was boring I had my switch blade between my fingers trowing it at my wall hitting the target every time. I picked my nails with it. The blade was sharp this was my good one my other blade was lodged into Louis about a month ago. He was such an idoit for jumping infront of her. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up it was 4:49 ugggh gotta go see Z that guy who texted me. The air was cold and crisp giving me goosebumps. I loved the cold and darkness it comforts me I don't know why but it does. The cafe was closed so I had to wait out front. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt eyes staring at me. I look up theres a guy there black long coat with a hat that covered his face. He slid and envelope then said "the names Malik Zayn Malik." he stated "Well aren't you gonna come over here?" I asked he just stood there silently. His eyes were dark and cold as ice they looked into my soul searching weaknesses. I've meet bad boys before but he was different I'm almost afraid of him.

I picked up the envelope it was light an I pulled out a single piece of paper it said:


I herd that you and this girl Ashley both love the same guy Louis was his name. I've been watching you guys how I can tell but I can help you tear Ashley apart from Louis. Slowly, and emotionally painful. Don't ask me how just say yes or no. All you have to do is flirt and confort Louis.

Just say the word,


"Deal." I said but when I looked up he was gone nothing was there. He vanished as if nothing happened.

-Zayn Malik...Zayn Malik- his name echoed in my head as I walked home.


Hope you guys loved this chapter :) I am wayyyyy to happy for the past few weeks I have been really hyper. Anyway



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