Found Her

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Loved You First (Part 26)

(Ashley's POV)

I sat there on my knees sobbing into my hands. He left me he rejected me he forgot I was ever in his life. And I deserved it I deserve his rejection I deserve all of this pain. Just as I was thinking this u felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Miss? Miss are you ok?" I looked through my tears they were wiped away by the mystery persons hand "I-I-I'm hurt I'm broken...h-he left me." he looked at me with concerned Brown eyes. Come here baby he hugged be. I don't even know who he was yet he's here comforting me telling me everything's gonna be ok.

"Come with me." he helped me up and cradled me in his arms and we walked together to his house. "Thanks umm..." "Liam my name is Liam. And your name is...." "Ashley thank you for taking me to your home I am really sorry of how you found me. I was just....heartbroken" his eyes filled with symphony It's ok babe let me call my friend and maybe you can talk it out with her.


(Cherry's POV)

Well Harry and I went on a little vacation. He was sweet although it was at our local lake it was sweet and peaceful. He gave me a promise ring it had "I Love You" ingraved into it and it had an outline of diamonds.

"Wow Harry this is did you...." he stopped me with his lips. "Forget where I got it it's for you I had it specially made for you because your one of a kind." I smiled when he pressed his lips against mine again.

"I should be getting home by now I'm sorry Harry my parents always are overprotective of me." "it's ok babe let me take you home ok?" "Ok" I responded when I got home I got a goodbye kiss from Harry. Then I got a call from Liam he's my neighbor.

"Hello?" I answered "Hey Cherry umm theres this girl I found crying alone near the bridge and I took her home...she's really sensitive right now do you think you can talk to her?" he asks "ummm.....Ok I'll be right there."

I hung up the phone I was shocked Liam found a random girl crying on the streets and he took her home wow he is just too nice. I walked and knocked on his door "Oh...Hi Cherry." my mouth hung open it was Ashley.


Ok new chapter coming tomorrow I promise. But I have been writing a new fanfiction. It's called Half-Blood Games it's a mixture of Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games in one fanfic. If you would like to read it please do. Thanks comments please :)

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