Chapter 1- Planning

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It was a sunny day in LA. Mark was getting ready to Skype his best friend, Jack. They haven't seen each other for a while, and Mark is starting to miss him.

Mark's POV
It's time to Skype Jack! It's been so long since I've seen him, I'm really starting to miss him. I can't wait until PAX when I get to see him again!

Mark gets on Skype and hits call. Jack answers his call excitedly.

Mark: Hey Jack!
Jack: Hey Mark! How's it going?
Mark: It's going pretty good, though I miss you. *pouts*
Jack: Aww I miss you too Markimoo.
Mark: At least we can see each other again when PAX comes up.
Jack: Yeah! I'm so excited for it! I can't wait!
Mark: I know, I can't either! It's gonna be so fun!

Jack: So, what are the plans for when I fly out there?
Mark: Hmm, I don't know. Where are you gonna be staying?
Jack: I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet. Probably some hotel.
Mark: Oh..hey! I have a better idea! How about you stay with me!?
Jack: Oh..I don't know.. I don't want to be a bother.

Secretly Jack would love to stay at Mark's place. Being able to be alone with him would be the best thing ever, but he didn't want to seem too eager or agree right away, in case Mark thought it was a little weird.

Mark: You could never be a bother to me!
Jack: Well okay, if you insist.
Mark: Yay!
Jack: *laughs* you seem really excited to have me staying at your place Markimoo.
Mark: Well yeah! My best buddy is gonna be staying at my house!

Although that wasn't the real reason Mark was happy Jack was staying at his apartment. He couldn't tell Jack the real reason. He thought that if he did, it would ruin their friendship.

Jack: Yeah! We're gonna have so much fun together!
Mark: Oh yeah we will *winks*
Jack: Not like that ya doof! *laughs*
Though he wouldn't necessarily mind..

Mark: *laughs* I know, just messing with you.
Or was he..?

Jack: Well I should probably go. I have to make a vlog to let everyone know I'll be flying out there in a few days for PAX.
Mark: Aww *pouts* I don't want you to go.
Jack: I don't want to either Markimoo, but I have to *pouts*

He really didn't want to. He wanted to talk to Mark as long as he could, but there were things that had to be done if he was going to Mark's apartment in a few days.

Mark: I know. I should probably make a vlog about PAX too, so they know.
Jack: Okay. But leave out the part about me staying. They already make a big deal out of Septiplier as it is. *laughs*
But of course, Jack didn't mind it.

Mark: *laughs* Okay Jack, I will. Talk to you tomorrow .
Jack: Okay Mark. Talk to you tomorrow.
Mark: *ends call*
Jack: *ends call*

Mark's POV
I really didn't want Jack to go, but we do have to let our community know about PAX. Plus, there'll be a lot of time to talk to him when he comes over. I can't wait for him to come over. This'll be the first time he'll be staying at my place. I just hope he likes it and has fun. Hopefully I can tell him what I need to before he has to leave. Until then, I'm gonna keep it to myself. I don't really want him to know right now, in case it makes him not want to come after all. So I guess I'll go make my video for my viewers. I head to my room to get my recording stuff ready. I turn on my camera, and start recording.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and I have some news for you guys..."

12 minutes later
"And I will see YOU in the next video. Buh-bye" *waves at camera then shuts it off*. Okay now time to upload the video. I look over at the clock and realize it had gotten late. Man time sure does fly. I should probably get to bed.

Jack's POV
I really didn't want to leave, but I need to let my community know I'll be going to PAX. I'm really excited to be staying with Mark this time. This'll be the first time that I get to stay at Mark's apartment. I'm a little nervous, but I can't wait. I hope that before I leave though, I can tell him what I need to. I'm so shy about it though, I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to. I would tell him now, but I don't want him to think I'm weird and then not be able to stay at his place. Plus, I think it's better to tell him face to face than over a screen. I think it has more meaning. Anyway, I should get ready to make my video. I head to my room and get my stuff ready. I turn on my camera, and start recording.

*whapish* "Top o' the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and I have some news for you..."

15 minutes later
" If you liked it, punch that like button, in the face, LIKE A BOSS, and high fives all around *whapish* *whapish* thank you guys! And I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO! * turns off camera*Okay time to upload. I looked at the clock and saw that it had gotten late. Time goes fast when you're excited. I'm gonna get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow.

A/N I'm really sorry if this sucks. This is my first story and I haven't tried writing anything before. I promise I'll try to get better. Also the first two or three chapters may be like this. Them having a Skype conversation. The next one (or two depending) I will try to make longer.

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