Chapter 25- The Hotel

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Jack's POV

~1 month later~

PAX is only three days away, and I'm pretty excited. My friends will be there, and I can't wait to see them. Bob and Wade are going to be there this time, which is exciting because they weren't there last year. Plus, I had so much fun at PAX last year, and I'm really happy to be able to meet more people from the community.

My flight is tomorrow, so I've been preparing videos all day, and I'm exhausted. I was about to rest when I realized I haven't booked a hotel room yet, so I decided to find a hotel. After I finished, I layed down and fell asleep.

~Next day~

My alarm went off, and I realized what today was. I got up and quickly got dressed. I made myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my keys and suitcase, and headed out the door, ready to drive to the airport.

When I got to the airport, I immediately went to my plane, as I had gotten there just in time. I gave the attendant my ticket, got on the plane, put my suitcase up, and sat down. I decided to get out my iPhone, plug in my headphones, and listen to my music. It helps pass the time.

~2 hours later~ (I know it takes longer now, but I don't want to change it in the middle of the story.)

My plane had landed, and I couldn't wait to get off. It's not that I don't enjoy planes, because I do, but I like being on land better. When I got off the plane, I looked for a cab to bring me to my hotel. I'm not really sure how far my hotel was from the airport. I called a cab and told him where I needed to go, then we were off.

~1 hour later~

When we got to the hotel, I paid the driver, went inside, and looked around. This hotel is huge! I went to the front desk and told them my name. They gave me my key, and I went up to my room.

When I got inside, it was one of the most beautiful hotel rooms I'd ever seen. There was a leather couch, a king sized bed, a balcony with a hot tub,and other things I can't even begin to explain, and everything was white. It was gorgeous. This is NOT what I was expecting, but I love it. I set my suitcase on a table and lied on the bed. It was so soft and comfortable. I decided to get up to unpack before I fell asleep. Even though my flight wasn't terribly long, I was exhausted. Being on a plane does that to me. I unpacked my things, then I decided to go explore the hotel. I could get lost in a place this big, so I want to make sure I know where everything is.

~2 hours later~

This hotel has it all! Pool, restaurants. It's amazing! The food is amazing as well, which is why it took me so long. I saw a restaurant that peeked my interest, I was hungry, so I decided to have some dinner. I was just getting ready to head back to my hotel room when I heard a voice a little ways behind me, and my heart sped up.


I pretended I didn't hear anything and got in the elevator. I got out my phone and looked at it to make it seem as though I was doing something on it. When I got up to my floor, I sped walked to my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed in silence for a while. Was that real, or was it all just in my head? I decided at this time to try out the hot tub on the balcony. Maybe it'll help me clear my mind. I got out my swimsuit from my suitcase and put it on. I went over to the hot tub and got in. It felt soooo good.

~1 hour later~

After about an hour in the hot tub, I realized it was getting late. I got out and went to the bathroom to change. After I finished changing, I got into bed and drifted off to sleep, thinking about that voice...

A/N Another chapter! Not really sure if this one is good though. I had trouble writing this one. Also, sorry for so many time skips. I couldn't think of things to put in between those times. Hopefully you guys like it though. I can guarantee you guys will enjoy chapters coming up. Not giving any hints though. And also, I'm working on another story if you guys want to check it out. It's called "Yes, Sir" and I've got three chapters up. You don't have to read it though if you don't want to. Anyways, stay awesome everyone :)

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