Chapter 20- Confused

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Mark's POV

I woke up with a headache. I  have no idea why though. What the hell happened yesterday. I got up and did my usual routine. Then I decided to record a vlog about PAX. I always make a vlog after I come back from PAX to let my community know how everything went and that I had fun. So I turned on my camera and started to record.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and I'm now back from PAX!...

*12 minutes later*

"...and I will see YOU in the next video. Buh-bye."

After I finished recording, I edited the video and uploaded it. When I went onto YouTube, I saw that Jack had uploaded a video on PAX as well, so I decided to watch it.

*Whapish* "Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and I'm back from PAX!..."

I chuckled to myself. I always loved the energy he has. I wish I could have that amount of energy. A few minutes later, he starts to talk about me.

"I had so much fun at PAX! And being able to see Mark again and hang out with him was amazing. We had so much fun together. I mean of course at times we had our differences... we put those behind us and just had fun."

Yeah, we did have fun. We always have fun at PAX. But we never have differences or fights.

"Before I end this video, I just want to say one thing. Mark, if you're watching this. I want to say thank you for the wonderful time this weekend. It was the best I've ever had... Anyway, THANK you guys for watching this video. If you liked it, punch that like button, in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around *whapish* *whapish* but thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!"

Then the video ended. I was confused. I understand we always have fun during PAX, but how could I have made it the best weekend he's ever had? How did I make it so wonderful?

I decided that after I finished breakfast, I would either text him or Skype him. I think I'll just Skype him. I feel that it would be better to actually see him when I talk to him rather than just words on a screen.

I got dressed, left my room, and went to Ihop for breakfast. I was in the mood for pancakes, but I didn't feel like making them myself. I ordered some chocolate chip pancakes. After I finished eating, I went home, and what do I do when I get home? I took off my pants. Because screw pants, I don't need them around my house. I sat down at my computer and Skyped Jack. I needed to talk to him about that vlog he made. Not even a minute later, he answered.

"Hey Jack. Where are you?"

He answered the call, but he wasn't in view. I guess he was in the middle of doing something when he answered.

"Sorry, I was just finishing my breakfast. How are you?"

"I'm good. I saw your vlog this morning."

"You did? Awesome! I was hoping you would see it, considering the part about you in it. Did you like it?!"

He had the biggest smile on his face and his eyes were shining so bright.

"I loved it Jack. And you're welcome, about the..uh...weekend thing." I gave him a nervous smile.

I needed to know what he meant, but he was just so happy, I didn't want to ruin that.

"Yay! So why'd you call?"

"To see how you were and to tell you I saw the video."

I obviously couldn't tell him the real reason. It would crush him. I know it would.

"Well, I'm doing good. Had a long day yesterday... but today was good." He smiled.

I feel so bad. He's so happy about something I did and I don't even remember what it was.

"That's great Jack. Hey, I'm going to have to go because I have to make videos for today. But maybe talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure! If we can't though,  it's okay. I'll completely understand."

"Okay Jack. Bye. And have a great day."

"Bye Mark."

I smiled at him just before he hung up. I really wish I knew what he was talking about. Why couldn't I have just asked him? Because I didn't want to hurt him, that's why. I'm still so confused. I sighed. It's going to be a long day.

A/N Another chapter! Wrote this whole thing during class because I literally had nothing else to do. Not that I care. I was planning on updating soon anyway. Hope you guys like it. Bet you guys thought I was going to make the dream come true, huh? Anyway, stay awesome everyone :)

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