Chapter 32- News From Home

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Jack's POV
I was having a great time with Mark until the airport decided to call me. Then I saw that I had missed calls and texts from my ma.


I got off the counter and ran to my room, checking the messages on the way there.


"You there?"

"Honey pick up the phone."

"Jack, you need to answer!"

"Jack, please, come home, now..."

"Jack, wait!"

I heard Mark yell for me, but I didn't have time. I needed to pack. I got to my room and threw on a shirt and some pants. Then I started packing. I heard Mark run to my room.

"Jack, what's going on?"

I didn't answer back. I was trying to pack as fast as I could. Mark grabs my arm to stop me, but I try to push him away.

"Jack, what's going on?!"

"Mark, please just shut up and help me pack!"

I saw a little pain in his eyes, but he helped me anyway. As Mark started helping me, my phone went off again. I looked at who was calling, and it was Ma. I picked up.

"Hi Ma.... the airport called me not that long ago... yes, I'm packing now... I'm sorry, I was busy... I did have my phone on, I just didn't hear it... I must've still been asleep when you called and texted... I know, I know... I'm sorry..."

There was a long moment of silence. I didn't know what to say.

"O-Okay. I'll be home as soon as I can... I love you too Ma... bye."

I felt a tear fall from my eye as I saw Mark closing my suitcase, his back turned to me. I wiped it away before he could see it. He turns around and looks at me. I look down as I don't want him to see me upset. I walk over to him and my suitcase, picking it up.

"Thank you for helping me Mark. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Jack. But why did you need me to help you pack so early? I thought you were leaving in a couple days."

"My... flight got moved up."

"What? Why?"

"I have to go Mark, I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you, but I have to hurry. I promise I'll talk to you when I can. I love you."

I walk out the door as quickly as I can. I felt really bad for just leaving Mark standing there, but I really have to go. My flight was about to leave and I couldn't  miss it. I ran out the double doors and got in the cab. I put in my suitcase and started to get in.

"Jack! Wait! Please!"

I heard Mark call my name and I turn around. He ran at me and hugged me really tight. I hugged him back, tears falling from my eyes. He lets go and looks at me, a tear falling from his eye.

"I love you too Jack."

I get in the cab and close the door. Mark was standing there as the cab left. He waved at me and I waved back. Then, he was out of sight. Damnit! I can't believe I have to leave Mark again!

When we got to the airport, I paid the driver and ran inside. My plane was just getting ready to leave. I tell them who I am and I get on the plane. I found a seat, put my luggage in the compartment above me, and sat down. I turned on the song Surrender as the plane departed. This is going to be a long flight...

A/N New chapter! What do you guys think happened? I hope you guys like this chapter. Also, I don't know if you'll be able to listen to the song I added in. Every time I try to play it, it says it's restricted for some reason -_- If not, just let me know and I'll tell you what it is and you can look it up or something, if you want. Anyways, stay awesome everyone ☺

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