Chapter 24- Ordinary Day

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Mark's POV

~1 year later~

It was almost time for PAX. I was really excited. Being able to see all my friends again will be great. Bob and Wade are going to be there this time, and I'm looking forward to hanging with them again. I also can't wait to see Jack. We haven't actually Skyped or talked very much during the year other than to play games together. Last time we Skyped, I could tell something was wrong. I just hope I didn't do something to make him upset. I heard my phone go off, so I picked it up and checked the message. It was from Bob.

"Hey Mark, would you like to play some speed runners? I can text Wade and you get Jack and we can get it set up."

"Sounds great! I'll get Jack."

I was reluctant to text him at first. He was normally the one to text me to ask if we were doing a collab and we haven't actually texted for a while.

"Hey Jack, Bob and I wanted to know if you could play some speed runners with us today?"

After a couple minutes, I got a text back.

"I'm sorry buddy. I'd love to, but I have plans. I'm going out with my girlfriend. Maybe another day?"

"It's okay. No worries. Yeah, we can totally play some other time. Have fun :)"

I knew why he was going out, and that's why it didn't bother me all that much. As long as he was happy, I was happy. I got a text from Bob.

"Hey, did you get Jack?"

"Yes but he can't play today. He's going out. But maybe we can get Pewds or Ken? And what did Wade say?"

"Wade said him and Molly are going out, so hopefully we can get Ken and Pewds. I'll text them really quick."

I really wish we could've played with Jack and Wade, but Ken and Pewds are great too. We haven't actually played with them for a while, so this will be fun. I get a text back from Bob saying they can play, so I got my Skype ready, then we started to play.

~1 hour later~

Ken, Pewds, Bob, and I had just finished the video and I was editing it to upload when my phone went off. It was Jack.

"Hey Mark. How'd the video go?"

"It went well. Felix, Bob, and Ken didn't have a chance! Though I missed playing it with you :("

"That's great. Haha, I'm sure they beat you more than you beat them ;) I know Mark, and I'm really sorry. Today just wasn't a good time :("

"No..they didn't! It's okay Jack, I completely understand. It's not a problem :)"

"Haha SURE. I'm glad you understand :) I have to go now."

"Okay Jack. Bye"


It made me a little upset to see him leave. We hadn't talked in a long time, and I'd missed it. Hopefully I'll get to talk to him again soon. If not, there's always PAX. It's a month away, but if that's the soonest I can talk to him, I'll take it.

I finished editing the video and uploaded it. I looked at the time and realized it was late. I decided I should go to bed, so I stripped off my shirt and got into bed.

Hey guys. I'm sooo sorry for taking so long to write another chapter. I had severe writers block. And also, there were just times I didn't have any motivation to write. But here I am! I hope this very much deserved chapter was worth the VERY long wait. I'll probably start Jack's point of view when PAX is going to start. But anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. Stay awesome everyone :)

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