Chapter 27- PAX

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Jack's POV

I woke up in my love's arms and lying on his chest. We must've fallen asleep watching TV. I look at the time and realize PAX is going to start soon.

"Mark, wake up. PAX is going to start."

I just heard him grunt and groan, not wanting to get up. I started to poke him playfully.

"Mark, baby, we need to get up or we'll be late for PAX."

He didn't answer, so I sighed and started to get out of his arms. I felt his strong arms pull me back to him, but now he was sitting up, and I was sitting between his legs (not in a naughty way, but in a way that couples do, you know?) and he was hugging me from behind.

"Mark, we really have to get up."

"I know, but I'm not letting you get away so easily."

I turn around to face him and kiss him.

"There. Can I get up now and change?"

He smiled at me. "Yes, now you can."

I chuckled as Mark let me go and I got off the bed. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. As I was changing, a strange feeling swept over me for a moment. It made me dizzy, so I had to sit down. That was strange. It's probably just a head rush. After the feeling passed, I finished getting dressed and walked out the bathroom. I looked at Mark and noticed him on his phone. He was already dressed.

"Ready Mark?"

He looked up and smiled at me.

"Yep. All set. Let's go."

He got up, walked over to me, and grabbed my hand. I smiled and we headed out the door. When we got outside, we called a cab. We got inside and told the driver where to go.

~10 minutes later~

We paid the driver and got out. We were walking towards the doors together when Mark grabbed my hand. I looked over at him, kinda surprised. Does he not care if someone sees? I guess he noticed, because he seemed to have answered the question running through my head.

"I want people to see that we're together. I want them to know that you're mine, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I smiled at him. He hugged me, then we went inside. When we walked in, we started searching for our booth right away. There weren't any people in here right now, but in about ten minutes, it'll be packed. When we spotted our booth, we walked over to it and sat down. I noticed that Bob's and Wade's were right next to ours, so me and Mark waved at them, and they waved back. While Mark wasn't looking, I noticed Bob trying to get my attention, so I looked over to him. He pointed at his phone, then to me. I knew what he was trying to say, so I checked my phone.

Bob: "What's with you and Mark? You guys both came in late, at the same time?"

He has to automatically think something of it? He couldn't have just assumed it was a coincidence? I texted him back.

Jack: "It could've just  been a coincidence."

Bob: "Could've? Therefore it wasn't!"

I look over at him and glare. Hopefully he understands that it meant to shut up. In that moment, I hear the front doors open and a flood of people walk in. I started to get slightly worried when I felt Mark put his hand on my thigh. I look over at him, and he's smiling.

"It's going to be okay Jack. I promise."

I smiled back at him and he leaned over and gave me a little peck on the cheek. I blushed and I heard him chuckle. That's when someone walked up to our booth. Mark and I greeted her with a smile. Mark's the one that spoke up though.

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