Chapter 15- Secrets

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Jack's POV

I woke up to Mark lying next to me. I smiled, then I realized what had happened yesterday, and my smile disappeared. Yes, I forgave him, but I'll never forget what happened. It hurts knowing what happened. He is my boyfriend though, and I love him. I'm not going to stay mad at him. I didn't want to move because I didn't want him to wake up, and he looked adorable when he was sleeping. I moved slightly though because I was in an uncomfortable position, but that was a mistake. My arm was throbbing with pain now. I let out a little squeak of pain, hoping Mark wouldn't wake up. Too late.

"Hey Jackyboy, what's wrong?"

"My arm hurts now. I guess the pain medicine wore off and this uncomfortable position isn't really helping me either."

"Here, I'll sit up so you can get more comfortable."

Mark sat up so I could get comfortable, but when I tried to push myself up, it hurt like hell, so I wound up right back where I was. Mark helped sit me up, and that's when the doctor walked in.

"Uh, am I interrupting something..?"

"Um.. no sir. Jack's arm was hurting, so I helped him sit up in a more comfortable position."

"His medicine must've worn off, which is what I suspected was going to happen soon. We removed everything from him last night, as you can see. How do you feel other than that, Jack? Everything else okay?"

"Yes, sir. Just my arm. I don't suppose I can get some more medication for the pain?"

"Actually, I'm going to give you a prescription for the pain. Just make sure to follow the instructions provided on the bottle. I'll go get your prescription, and then you'll be free to go."

The doctor walks out to go get my medicine, and Mark got off the bed. He helped me to the edge of the bed, where I sat and waited for the doctor. He came back a few minutes later with my prescription. He handed me the bottle, told me goodbye and to have a great day, then left again. Mark helped me off the bed, and we made our way out of the hospital. When we got into the car, Mark asked a question I knew he was going to ask.

"What are we going to tell the community?"

I had already thought about that before I fell asleep last night and the answer is simple.

"We're not."

"Wait, what?! Please tell me you didn't just say we're not going to tell the community Jack." Mark said, obviously surprised.

"Mark, I don't want them to know about this. They didn't even know about the old scars. I don't want them to know that I.. uh.. went to the hospital for something like this. Don't get me wrong, I love the community to death, but there are just some things that I want to keep private, and this is one of those things."

"I understand. I didn't tell the community when I had a heart attack. Well, at least right away anyway. So how are you going to hide it?"

"Same way I was hiding the old scars. With my bracelets, and if I have to, I'll get more. It's no big deal. It won't really be that suspicious since I wear them all the time anyway."

I wasn't really looking at Mark that whole time we were talking, but when I looked up, he was looking at me, and I could see pain in his eyes. Not because I'm not telling the community, but because of what happened and the fact that I have to hide it. Well, not have to, but going to. I couldn't stand to see the hurt in his eyes, so I turned and looked out the window. I didn't really say much on the way back home. I felt bad not talking to him, but I didn't really feel like talking that much.

It's a good thing I've pre-recorded videos for today. All I have to do is upload them and I'm all set. If I would've had to record something today, everyone definitely would've been able to tell I wasn't myself today, and that wouldn't have been good. I should be back to my old self tomorrow though, so I can record some fresh videos.

When we got home, Mark was getting out of the car, but realized I wasn't following him, and he turned to me.

"You coming Jack?"

"Yeah, you go on ahead. I'll be right there. I promise." I said, reassuringly.

"Okay, but please don't stay out too long. If you're out here for longer than five minutes, I'll come out and get you."

"Mark, I'll be fine. Give me fifteen minutes, and I'll be in, okay?"

Mark sighed. "Okay Jack. But only fifteen minutes. I'll see you in the house love."

He leaned over and kissed me, then went inside. That's when I began to think...

A/N Hey guys, miss me?? I know you did ;) Anyway, sorry this took awhile to update. I've been...busy recently and haven't been able to update. Also thank you guys so much for 76.9K  reads! I didn't think so many people would actually read this story. It makes me happy to see so many people enjoying my story and to see that it makes you guys happy. That's all I really want is to make you guys happy ^-^ Also, I'm working on another story as well, but what is it about you ask? That's a secret. You'll find out later though. Anyways, I know it's short, but I hope this update is good for you guys. It's been awhile since I've written this story, I feel like I might've lost my touch :/  If you guys have any questions, you can comment or message me. Can't promise I'll be able to answer you right away, but I'll get to you as soon as I can, I promise. Also, if you comment something and I don't answer, I'm really sorry. It's really hard to answer every single comment :( Stay awesome everyone :)

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