Chapter 33- Not Again

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Mark's POV
I can't believe Jack had to leave again. I mean, I knew he was going to have to anyway, but it wasn't supposed to be so soon. I just hope everything is okay. He left in an extreme hurry, and I could tell he was upset about something.

I went back inside after telling him goodbye. That moment he snapped at me slightly scared me. I know he was in a hurry, but he's never done that before. I decided to call him to make sure everything was going okay.

"Hey Jack, is everything going okay? I just wanted to-"

I heard a sigh come from his end of the phone.

"Mark, I told you I can't talk right now."

I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"I know but-"

"Bye Mark."

Then he hung up. I could feel myself start to tear up. I know he probably doesn't mean anything by it, but it still hurts. He's never interrupted me before. He's also never used that tone of voice with me before. I can't really explain it...

I sat on the bed with my face in my hands. My face was already puffy and red from crying earlier. I decided to take a nap. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted.

~2 hours later~
I was awoken by the sound if my phone. I picked it up answered.


"Mark, it's Wade. Were you and Jack planning on joining us for dinner?"


"I'll take that as I just woke up and forgot?"

I laughed at his comment.

"Shut up Wade. I'll meet you there."

I hung up my phone, Sat up, and stretched. Then it finally clicked as to what he said. I facepalmed. He said me AND Jack. But Jack isn't here... I felt a tear on my eye but quickly wiped it away. I'm not going to cry right now. I got up and decided to take a quick shower and change.

~5 minutes later~

I finished getting dressed and made my way out the door. I decided to send Wade a quick text to let him know I'm on my way. I got in the elevator and made my way down. When I got out of the elevator, I walk around looking for the restaurant. I saw Wade standing I front of it, so I walked over to him. We walk in and I saw Bob sitting at a booth, so we sat down.

"Hey Mark. Where's Jack?" Bob asked me.

"Yeah. I was wondering the same thing when I saw you alone. Is he going to be here later?" Wade started looking around for him, I guess thinking maybe he'd pop out of no where and scare us.

"He's... not here."

"Well, obviously," Bob sais sarcastically, "but where is he?"

"He.. had to go home."

"What, why?" Wade asked, sounding concerned.

No, don't cry. Not now."He had an emergency, and before you ask, no I don't know what it was. Can we just order now, please?"

Bob and Wade looked at me as if I had just murdered someone. I coughed and grabbed a menu, looking for what I wanted to order. I heard Bob and Wade whispering to each other. After a while, I heard them pick up and open a menu.  I found what I wanted and slowly put the menu down. I felt a tear starting to creep down my face. Damnit...

I got out of my seat and walked towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going Mark?"

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I quickly walked to the bathroom, went into a stall, and locked it. That's when my tears finally came down.

When I finished, I walked out of the bathroom and sat back down. Just in time for the waiter to take our orders. I ordered first, then Bob and Wade.

"Mark, are you okay?" Wade asked me concerned.

"I'm fine Wade."

"You don't look like it though. You look kinda upset." Bob decided to join in.

"I said I'm fine."


"Just leave me alone Wade..."

The waiter brought us our orders and we ate in silence. I would gear Bob and Wade occasionally whisper to each other. I knew they were talking about me, but I didn't really care. After we finished eating, I was the first to get up and leave. When I walked out the door, I heard Wade yell for me but I just kept walking. When I got to the elevator, I heard him yell for me again, so I decided to turn around.

"I said l-"

Then, he hugged me. It caught me off guard. Wade doesn't normally hug me. He's not mad at me..?

"Y-you're not mad...?"

"I can tell you're hurting Mark. I know you said you're fine, but it's obvious you're not. Both me and Bob noticed. We know it's because Jack left."

He let go of me and I saw Bob walking towards me too. I felt myself start to cry. Not just because Jack left, but because I felt bad for treating my friends the way I did. I put my hands on my face and slid down the wall.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to snap... I just-"

"It's okay Mark. We're not mad. Let's head back to the room, and we talk okay?"

I removed my hands from my face and looked up at them. Bob was holding his hand out for me to help me up. I smiled and grabbed his hand, standing up, and we all walked into the elevator.

A/N another chapter! Hope you guys like this one. I'm not very proud of it... but I hope you guys like it. Also, I've noticed my book hasn't been getting as many reads as the start of it...but it's okay. Also, if you guys want to know anything about me, I have another book up called" Get To Know Author-Chan!" I already have a few things up, if you guys are interested. Stay awesome everyone ☺

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