Chapter 18-Lost

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Mark's POV

I waved at him as I watched him leave in his cab. I close the door behind me, and I don't look back. I start to walk to my room when I glance into Jack's room, then I walk in. I sit on the bed as tears start to fall. I can't believe he's gone...

I start to leave the room when I noticed something on the floor. I picked it up and realized it was his favorite blue hoodie. I clutch it to my chest as I walk back to my room. I lied on my bed and cried in Jack's hoodie. It was the only thing I had left of him, physically, other than our promise rings. Remembering that only made me cry more. He said we weren't breaking up, but that we might forget. I'll never forget you Jack. I'll never forget what's happened between us. How could I? I love him too much. And sometimes in order to love, you have to get hurt first.

After about fifteen minutes of crying, I head to the bathroom. I rinse my face off with cold water and look in the mirror. My eyes are extremely red and puffy because I'd been crying. Good thing I pre-record videos or this wouldn't have gone down well on camera. As I'm getting ready to leave, the door slams shut, and I'm locked in the bathroom. I just sigh to myself, as I already know who it is.

"Hey Mark." Dark smirks at me.

"What do you want? And why aren't you in the mirror like usual?" I ask, sounding exhausted.

"I hate the mirror. Having to look at you through it isn't... shall I say...pleasing enough. And I was just checking in on you. You're not looking too good. What's wrong" He smiles.

The hell? Pleasing enough? "No shit. And you know exactly what's wrong." I look down at the ground, not really having the energy to fight.

"Oh yes, I remember now. That Irish, pathetic excuse for a boyfriend left and now you're sulking over it." He smirks and chuckles. "Not only is he pathetic, but so are you."

"You're the one who made him leave."

"Yeah, and it's about time too. If he wouldn't have, I don't know how much longer he would've been alive." He laughs, his laugh sounding evil.

After hearing that, I got some energy back. I'm sick of Dark acting like this towards Jack. I love Jack, and I don't want anything happening to him.

"What do you have against him! He hasn't done anything to you! You have no reason to be doing this! LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

I scream at the top of my lungs, and my hands are at my sides, clenched into tight fists. I'm so mad, I started throwing things at him and screaming, but he was dodging everything. I know what I was doing wasn't effective, but I didn't know what else to do. After a while, I noticed he wasn't in front of me anymore. That's when I felt him grab me from behind and hold me tight. I tried to push him off, but I couldn't move.

"Shh Mark, stop struggling. You know you can't fight me. Just calm down."

I tried so hard to get him off me, but I couldn't, so I just stopped, and when he let go, I slid against the wall and sat down. I put my arms over my head and my face in my knees. I started to slightly cry. I couldn't help it. After a while, I stop and look up at him.

"Why are you doing this to me Dark? Why?" I ask, my voice pleading.

He shrugs. "Because I can."

I look away from him. "I wish you couldn't. I wish you'd just leave me and Jack alone."

"If you want me to leave you alone, I'll make a deal with you."

I quickly look back at him. "Really?" I was surprised.

"Yes. But you'll either have to take my deal, or leave it. No negotiations."

"I'm okay with that."

"You sure about that Markimoo? You need to be careful what you wish for." He's smirking at me.

"Yes, Dark, I'm sure. I don't care what it takes. I want you gone and Jack back."

"Perfect," he grins widely, "I'll be right back."

He leaves the room, and I'm sitting in there contemplating what I just got myself into. I cross my arms and rest them on my knees, placing my head on my arms. Moments later, Dark comes back with something in his hand.

"I'm going to discuss the plans with you, but first, sign this."

"A contract? Why do I have to sign this?" I'm highly curious as to why we would need a contract.

"I do my deals by contract Mark. Now sign, or you won't get Jack back." He snaps.

"Okay, okay. Hand me the contract."

He hands me the contract. I went to read it, but it was blank.

"Why is it blank?"

"Because I do all my rules verbally. I just have you sign it for proof you said you were going to do this and for...consent."

Consent? What the hell does that mean? I signed it anyway and gave him back the contract. What have I just got myself into? He smiles.

"Great. Let's get started..."

Cliff hanger! Haven't had one of those in a while. Or so it feels like...anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This one took me a while. Stay awesome everyone ☺

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