Chapter 11- PAX Fun

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Mark's POV

I woke up next to Jack, the love of my life. I stretched and looked at the clock. I then realized what day it was.

"Jack wake up! We gotta get ready for PAX!" I say as in sit up on the bed.

Jack mumbles but doesn't get up. Time to take extra measures. I slowly crawl on him, straddling him. (Keep in mind, yes, we were both still naked from the night before). I place my hands on his chest and slowly start to rub up and down. He grunts and thrusts his hips upward, making me slightly moan. Next thing I knew, Jack had pushed me off of him and I was on my back, him straddling me. I bite my lip and blush.

"You moved pretty quick for being asleep Jackiboy," I chuckle.

Jack laughs and smirks, "I wasn't really asleep. I just wanted to see what you would do."

I could feel his member on mine, and I blushed extremely red, and started to get excited.

"J-Jack, could you please get off now?"

He leans in close to my ear, his member slowly rubbing against mine as he moves, causing me to quietly moan. He whispers.

"Why Markimoo? It seems like you're enjoying it." He smirks and starts to nibble my ear. He then moves to my neck, biting, licking, and sucking on it.

"J-Jack, w-we need to..." I start to say, but felt Jack starting to grind his hips against mine, and I moan loudly.

I put my hands on his chest, and gently pushed him off. He pouted and whimpered.

"Not right now Jack. We need to get ready for PAX. Later." I smirked and winked.

"Okay. I'm gonna hold you to that." He winked and smiled, getting off of me and getting off the bed to get some clothes on.

I got up and put on some black jeans and my blue flannel.

*time skip cause I don't know what else to do*

We get to PAX and walk inside. It's way bigger than I remember. We get to our booths and sit down, waiting for people to come in. Me and Jack are sharing a booth. I didn't want him to be all by himself. After about ten minutes, people start showing up. Someone came up to our booth, and we smiled.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked, signing a little tiny box tim that she brought.

"My name is Rachel."

"Well hello Rachel, it's a pleasure to meet you," Jack says, shaking her hand.

We both hugged her and got a few pictures before she left.

"Hey Mark, did Jack give you that spot on your neck?" She winks at me then leaves.

Shit! I forgot about that! What am I supposed to do about it?! People don't know about me and Jack yet. I start to tap my foot, freaking out, when something grabbed my hand. I realized it was Jack and calmed down slightly.

"It's okay Markimoo. They're bound to find out eventually. Everything will be okay, I promise." He said, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb for reassurance.

I see another person start to walk up to us, so Jack lets go of my hand, knowing I didn't want them to know yet. He smiled and gave the person a hug, signing a few things and taking pictures afterwards. They make their way over to me, and I do the same.

After a while, Felix and Ken show up. (Sorry it's kind of a late arrival xc) We get up and greet them, having a quick conversation before they go to their booths. We had a lot of people come to our booth. We had so many presents by the end of it. Felix and Ken walk over to us.

"Hey would you guys like to go out for some coffee and lunch?" Felix asked us.

"Yeah. We could have a relaxing day together, just us. It would be fun," Ken says.

"We'd love to guys! It'll be nice to relax after a long day," I say and look at Jack. He nods, saying it's okay.

We all head out of the doors and make our way to a café across the street. We find a booth and Jack and I sit together and Felix and Ken sit together. We make small talk until the waitress comes to take our orders. I start to order, but Jack placed his hand on my thigh, making me choke on my words. I slightly look over at him and he's smirking. I glare at him, but I know what he's doing. I ordered my meal and coffee without giving in to Jack. I look at him and smirk, and he slightly pouts. Everyone else orders, and we sit there talking, waiting for our orders.
Oh it's on Jack. It is on.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update and I'm so sorry this update is short. And I'm also really sorry if it sucks xc I didn't know what to do for the PAX chapter, but I did my best. I've never been to PAX so I don't know what it's like. I've also had some thins going on, so it made it hard to write. I promise I'll try to make the next chapter better. Until then, I've left you with this shitty update xc anyway, stay awesome everyone

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