Chapter 2- Getting Ready

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Mark's POV
I had just gotten up and got a cup of coffee. I brought it up to my room to drink, as I didn't want to miss my Skype call from Jack.

Jack's POV
I'm so excited to be able to get to stay at Mark's place. Today when we Skype, I'm going to ask if I could maybe come in early, like tomorrow. I want to stay with him as long as possible. I just hope he doesn't think I'm weird for wanting to come in a few days early. He'll probably be happy I'm wanting to actually. We'll have to see though.

So Jack Skypes Mark, who answers happily.

Jack: Hey Markimoo!
Mark: Hey Jackaboy! How's it going?
Jack: It's going good. Really excited to get to see you again soon!
Mark: I'm really excited to get to see you too! It's even better that you're staying with me this time.
Jack: Oh yeah, that's something I need to ask you about.
Mark: Oh. What is it Jack? Did you decide you didn't want to stay after all?

Jack: Oh no it's not that at all! I was just gonna ask if I could maybe come in earlier..
Mark: Yeah, that would be great! When were you planning on coming in?
Jack: Well, I was hoping maybe tomorrow..
Mark: Yes! That would be great and okay with me!
Jack: Really?!
Mark: Yes!! The more time with my best friend, the better!

Truth be told, he was glad Jack was coming in a few days early so he could maybe tell him what he needed to before PAX. Plus, spending extra time with Jack alone would be spectacular.

Jack: Well alright then! Guess I'm gonna get to see you tomorrow!

Jack was so happy he was getting to see Mark early. Spending extra time with him alone was something he's always wanted.

Mark: Awesome! You're not leaving me now though, are you? *pouts*
Jack: No! Of course not! I wanna talk to you as long as I can today. Although, I might leave to go get some breakfast.
Mark: Yay! And that's perfectly fine. I have my cup of coffee, so I'll be waiting here for you.
Jack: Ok. I'll be right back Mark.
Mark: Ok Jack.

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