Chapter 14-Everything's Alright

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Mark's POV
"We have some news about Jack. He's going to have a huge scar, but other than that, he's going to be okay."

I was crying I was so happy. I hugged the doctor and thanked him.

"I would keep a close eye on him from now on though. Protect him and make sure he stays safe. If he does this again, we don't know what the outcome could be."

"Am I allowed to go see him yet?" I asked, my voice cracking from my crying.

"Yes, you may go see him. Follow me."

I followed the doctor into Jack's room. He was laying on the hospital bed with a lot of things connected to him. As soon as he heard us, he turned his head towards us, but didn't smile.

"I'll leave you two alone." The doctor said and left.

I pull a chair next to his bed and sit down.

"Hey Jack. How are you doing?"

"Why do you care? You're the one who caused it." Jack hissed at me.

"Look Jack, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to go too far. I was just messing around with you. If I knew it was making you this upset, I would've stopped." I say, tears starting to fill my eyes again.

"The whole café was looking at us Mark! How could you not have known it was bothering me?! You didn't have to say what you said. If you would've just kept that to yourself, this wouldn't have happened."

"I'm really sorry Jack. I-I don't know what I was thinking. It's like it just happened, and I couldn't control it." I said, softly crying.

I look at Jack and his facial expression changed. It was softer. It wasn't as stern as before. It looked sad.

"It's...okay Mark. But next time, please don't say something like that out loud."

"Trust me Jack, there isn't going to be a next time. And I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you." I give a little smile.

He smiles and opens his arms for a hug. I stand up and give him a big hug, making sure not to hurt him, as he still had all these things connected to him. After we pulled away, that's when I saw his wrist. It had so many stitches. I guess he noticed me staring at it, so he brought it closer to me.

"It doesn't really hurt all that much. The doctor said it should be completely healed in about a month. (Idk if that's how long it takes or not). Then I should come back to have the stitches removed. Until then, I should keep it wrapped and protected."

I grabbed his arm and brought it closer to me. I kissed his wrist as a tear rolled down my face.

"I'm going to make sure this never happens again Jack. I promise, as long as I'm here, nothing will hurt my baby boy."

I saw him blush slightly and smile at me. I let go of his arm and gave him another hug. When I did, I whispered in his ear.

"I love you Jack. I love you so much."

"I love you too Mark. I couldn't ask for anyone else."

When we broke from the hug, Jack moved on the bed, making an empty space beside him. He patted the space and looked at me. I smiled and got on the bed with him, cuddling him but being careful that I didn't hurt him. After awhile, he was almost asleep. I started to get up, but he pulled me closer and mumbled, "Please don't leave me". We layed like that for a long time, and we both fell asleep.

I'm really sorry this chapter is short, but I thought you guys deserved to know. So here you go. And I'm really sorry for posting this after what happened...I'm not going to say it as it still makes me upset and I'm sure you guys know, but I'm still very sorry. I just usually write how I'm feeling or what I feel will make the story progress. I should've waited a while before posting this, but I didn't, and I kinda hate myself for it. Nothing like this will probably be in the story again. At least not where they hurt themselves. Again, I'm really sorry... Stay awesome everyone :)

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